

1、 ninety years old, the age of a turtle's back; among all the age titles, "ninety" has the most interesting and diverse nicknames. It can be called "turtle back," referring to the spotted skin of a turtle, which resembles the wrinkled skin of the elderly. Additionally, as people age, they develop age spots on their skin, much like the bark of a frozen pear, hence the nickname "frozen pear."
2、Fifty years old - past the half-century mark, aware of one's limitations, aware of fate, at the age of fifty, in the prime of life;
3、Sixty years old - sixty years old, the prime of life, the age of contentment, the age of retirement, the age of political service;
4、Seventy years old - seventy years old, the age of eligibility for a cane, the age of retirement, the age of political service;
5、Eighty years old - the age of eligibility for a morning visit to the court, a significant milestone;
6、Eighty to ninety years old - the age of decline, a time of advanced years and honoring the elders.