
一个英文长句的断句和翻译问题We start with the contrast some draw between a Western emphasis on discovery learning to encourage creativity and the traditional Chinese preference for a more guided approach to developing skills.

这句话说的是关于"西方学习技巧和传统中国的比较",We start with the contrast (what contrast??)→some draw between 【a Western emphasis on discovery learning to encourage creativity|】and【the traditional Chinese preference for a more guided approach to developing skills】。翻译是:我们以"强调发现式学习鼓励创造力的西式学习技巧"和"偏好引导方式发展技能的传统中式学习技巧"两个例子作为开始。
第1个回答  推荐于2017-09-26
We是主语 start 是谓语with the contrast 是状语some draw是start的宾语between a Western emphasis on discovery learning to encourage creativity and the traditional Chinese preference for a more guided approach to developing skills是分隔式定语修饰contrast。本句=we start some draw with contrast between。。。and。。。。

我们从二者之间的对比中 抽出 某个例子 开始,西方强调发现式学习来鼓励创造力,中国传统倾向于更具引导性的发展技能。
第2个回答  2017-10-04
dancing like an angel, I
第3个回答  2017-09-18
下面的最佳答案是错误的。 这是一个简单的长句,被分析的非常复杂。 整个句子保留主谓宾实际上是 we start with the contrast 。 后面括号里面是定语从句,修饰contrast. (some draw between a Western emphasis on discovery learning to encourage creativity and the traditional Chinese preference for a more guided approach to developing skills.)追问



首先,来看一下 contrast的定语从句 some draw between (a Western emphasis on discovery learning to encourage creativity )and (the traditional Chinese preference for a more guided approach to developing skills.) 大白话翻译就是有人在东西方教育之间画了一个对比线(contrast) , 认为西方强调发现式学习来鼓励创造力,而中国传统倾向于更具引导性的发展技能。注意: between... and 在两个事物之间 draw完全是最普通的意思 画线。 理解了定语从句,整个句子还有什么难的呢?翻译不是目的,你要具备理解这种长句的能力。