英语 汉译英


我昨晚听了收音机,没看电视。 I listened to the radio last night instead of watching tv.
校长前天买了很多书 the headmaster bought a big amount of books the day before yesterday.
琼斯太太昨天下午4点到家 Mrs. Jones arrived home at 4’o clock yesterday afternoon.
约翰昨天早晨开窗给房间通风 john opened the window to ventilate the room yesterday morning.
老师昨天给我们读了一篇故事 the teacher read a story to us yesterday.
昨晚下雪了吗? Did it snow yesterday?
他上周去了巴黎。 He went to Paris last week.
数以千计的。 Numerous of
给我讲个故事 read me a story, please.
凌晨两点钟 2 a.m
第1个回答  2008-07-12
i litsened to the raido last night,i din't watch TV

The headmaster bought a lot of books the day before yesterday


Mrs Jhones arrived home at 4 p.m. yesterday.

Jhone opened the window to freshen the room yesterday morning


the teacher red us a story yesterday


did it snow last night?


he went to Paris last week

thousangds of

tell me a story

2 a.m.
第2个回答  2008-07-12
1.I have listened to the radio last night, has not watched the television.
2.Principal has bought many books the day before yesterday.
3.Ms. Jones went home at 4:00 yesterday afternoon
4.John opened a window yesterday morning to the room ventilates.
5.Teacher read a story yesterday to us.
6.Last night has snowed?
7.He has gone to Paris last week.
8.Thousands of
9.Tells a story to me
10.Before dawn two o'clock
第3个回答  2008-07-12
I listened to the radio last night, and did not watched the television.
The principal bought a lot of books two days ago.
Mrs Qiong Si reached home at 4 p.m. yesterday afternoon.
Yue Han opened the window to increase air circulation in the room yesterday morning.
The teacher read us a story yesterday.
Did it snow last night?
He went to Paris last week.
Counting by thousands (不太清楚)
Tell me a story.
2 a.m.
第4个回答  2008-07-12
I listened to the radio instead of watching TV last night.
The principal bought many books the day before yesterday.
Mrs Jones reached home at 4 yesterday afternoon.
John opened the windows to ventilate the room. 或是
John opened the windows to let in some fresh airl.
The teacher read a story for us yesterday.
Did it snow last night?
He went to Paris last week.
thousands of
tell a story to me
2 a.m.
第5个回答  2008-07-12
I listened to the radio last night instead of watching TV.
The headmaster bought lots of books the day before yesterday.
Mrs Johns reached home 4 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday.
The teacher read a story to us yesterday.
Did it snow last night?
He went to Paris last week.
thousands of something(短语)
Tell me a story.
Two o'clock in the morning.