

-------Discuss on English education in China 谈谈中国的英语教育 Studying English has been popular since so-called “Cultural Revolution” was over in China. At first, English as a subject in universities and colleges were set for an important place. Then you wouldn’t be awarded a degree if you couldn’t past the last English examination. After that, English had become the main subject to equal to Chinese and mathematics in each high school and middle school. At last, it seems that you may be treat as illiteracy if you have never learned English in China. So each primary schools began setting up English course everywhere, from cities to countries. 自从所谓的“文化大革命”结束以后,学习英语一直是很时髦的事。最初,英语被各大学设置为一门重要的科目;然后,如果你不能通过最终的英语考试,你便不被授予学位,再以后,英语在高中和初中成为和语文数学同等地位的科目。现在呢,如果你没有学过英语,很可能被看作是个文盲,因此,祖国各地,从南到北,各个小学都开始开办英语课。 I always think it’s a great progress of our education. It’s in demand very much and in time nowadays; not only it’s up to date for young people, above all, English must be used every day in everyone’s life-----computers, mobile phones, and all kinds of electric instruments and electronic equipments. 本人一贯以为这是我国教育的一大进步。在当今世界,这是及时的和必要的,这不仅仅对于年轻人是件时髦的不得了的事,重要的是,在我们的日常生活中,每天都会用到英语-----电子计算机,手机,所有的电器电子设备。 That takes it for granted that you learn computer languages and make computer programs more easily if your English is excellent. It stands to reason that you have got more information from learning and studying English if your English better than others. You can make more friends with foreigners to expand your own field of vision. 如果你有很好的英语基础,你学习计算机语言和编制计算机应用程序当然要容易的多;如果你的英语比别人强,自然在学习英语和研究英语的过程中会得到比别人更多的知识和信息。你也可以交更多的外国朋友开拓自己的视野。 Talking about it at length is to tell you that learning English is really important, but our English education has been failed so long time since we came to realize that such a useful language is significant. 说这么多只是让你知道,学会英语实在是很重要的,可是,自从我们意识到英语的重要性,长久以来,我们的英语教育却是失败的。 No matter whether you admit that, however, it’s a truth. How many men have benefited from English? How many people can use such a language correctly and fluently? How many persons can make a speech and write a report in English well? There are so many kids in China beginning hating such a subject and there are so many children even giving up to go to school due to such a subject。 Although nearly all persons and children are learning it or they have ever learned it. 无论你是否承认它的失败,毕竟这是事实。有多少人从学习英语受益呢?有多少人能流利而正确地使用英语呢?有多少人能用英语做报告,写文章呢?有那么多的孩子开始厌恶这门主课,有那么多的孩子甚至由于这门课程打算放弃上学。尽管全民在学英语或学过英语。 It’s a useful language, not a one to be used for decorating something. 它是一门有用的语言,而不是用来装点门面的。 It’s a useful language, not a tool to be admitted to a higher school. 它是一门有用的语言,而不是用来升学的工具。 Let’s take a seat here and talk it over quietly. 让我们静下心坐下来探讨一下为什么吧! Maybe somebody thinks that Chinese are too foolish to learn the foreign language, I’m sure that’s incorrect. No one in the world will think so, Chinese have great abilities to learn anything well. 可能有些人认为中国人太笨,不适合学这门语言。这肯定是胡说八道。世界上没有多少人会这么想,中国人有学会并学好任何东西的能力。 Perhaps you reckon that the way of teaching English in China is so bad that most persons are unable to learn it well, I have to tell you that that’s wrong, too. As you know, these years in our native land Chinese invented too many ways and methods to learn English, new ways of learning it appear continuously. Most of these ways have to be considered to be excellent. 可能你认为中国教授英语的方法太差,以至于大多数人无法掌握它。我不得不说,你又说错了。正像你所了解到的,这些年,在我们国家,中国人发明了不少学习英语的方法,可以说,创新的方法层出不穷,大多数教法应该说是蛮优秀的。 And possibly you think that there are too many students and pupils thinking that English is useless, difficult, they have to learn it because of force from schools or parents. So they have lost their interests to learn it. In that case, our English education has to be failed. That’s right, I agree with you, but it isn’t the main reason. 可能你认为,太多的大学生,小学生认为英语没什么用途,又难学,他们学习英语只是家长和学校强加给自己的,因此,他们失去了学习它的兴趣,在这种情况下,我们的英语教育也就只有失败这条路了。说得不错,我同意,但这还不是主要原因。 And we have ever learned English, but we don’t have many opportunities to use it, on the other hand, we don’t have a fine language condition around us, so we can’t learn it well. Yes, that’s right, too. But it isn’t the source, which makes us not learn it well. 我们都曾学过英语,我们没有更多机会使用它,再说,我们周围也没有一个良好的语言环境,因此,我们学不好它。不错,这种说法也很正确,可这还不是学不好英语的本质。 Now I’d like to tell you the main reason about it and tell you why Chinese are unable to learn it well. 得,现在我很愿意说出根本原因------告诉你为什么中国人学英语难。 As you know, there are lots of nations on the face of the bulb. Each nation has their especial character. Peoples in an island to the west are humor and gentle, they enjoy talking about weather, while a nation in an island to the east esteems violence as their country spirit. Far from us there is a big country, the persons in which like bragging and parading and nothing in the world is what he doesn’t want to take charge of. And so on. 正像你知道的,世界上有许多民族。每个民族都有其特点。西方那个岛国的人们很幽默,很绅士,他们特别喜欢谈天气;而东方某个岛国的人们却很崇尚武力,把武力作为他们的国魂。远离我们的那个大国,人们喜爱吹牛和炫耀,世界上没有什么事是他们不想掺和,不想冒头的,如此种种,不一而足。 But as to us, Chinese people, we have to come to realize that our nation is different from others. On historical opinion, we have experienced a too long Feudal System, the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius have ruled us so long that we always feel that we should modest, more modest, and modest again, actually no nation on the face of the earth is like us. So we shyly parade, speechify. In China, the men who has great skills or he is an expert in the field of something shyly talk about themselves, above all, in public, they are too modest to talk about their abilities, but the persons in China who only know a little in the field of something also shyly say what he knows, because he is afraid that he will be despised or laughed at by others, this is one of our characters. 至于我们中国人,我们必须认识到我们不同与其他的民族。从历史的观点看,我们经历了太长的封建制度,孔孟之道统治了我们太长的时间,以至于我们总是感觉我们应该谦虚,更谦虚,再谦虚。世界上,真的没有哪个民族像我们这样。因此我们羞于炫耀,羞于夸夸其谈。在中国,有本事的,或在某个领域有所成就的人都不好意思谈论自己,特别是在公共场所,这是“谦虚”的美德使然。而自觉自己是不学无术,没真本事的人也同样羞于谈论他们仅有的知识,因为他们害怕会被人看不起或被人嘲笑。这是我们民族的特点之一。 On the other hand, Chinese are scared to lose face; they have to do everything carefully, more carefully and carefully again. From historical career, we spend such a period in which our ancestors had to write something according to the eight steps in examination, this is so-called “Ba Gu Wen (Eight-Part essay)”. And even so, our pupils and students have to still past through different kinds of examinations for their fates. Answers and keys from teachers or textbooks are so important that they must do anything carefully so that the results can conform to the answers or keys. And they always try to come to be accurate when they use the foreign language, although they don’t worried whether their words are precise when they speak Chinese, how does it come about? It’s just an English teachers’ error in China to bring about such a terrible result. A language isn’t mathematics, it doesn’t have to expect accurate. It’s a good sentence if you can catch its meaning when I speak to you. That’s right, isn’t it? This is the other one of our characters. 其次,中国人害怕丢面子,无论做什么事,他们都追求细致,更细致,再细致。在历史的长河中,我们的祖先有过这样一段时间不短的经历,他们求得功名时必须严格按八个步骤写文章,这就是所谓的“八股文”。即便现在,我们的小学生和大学生也要为了自己的命运经过各种各样的考试;老师和教科书给予我们的答案和定理实在太重要了,我们必须细致地做到每一步,以追求与答案和定理的一致,当我们使用外语时,我们总是尽可能地达到精确,尽管我们说用汉语时,从不担心我们的语言是否严谨,怎么会这样呢?这正是中国老师的错误造成的后果。语言不是数学,它不必追求严谨和精确。我说的话,你能听得懂,就是好语言,对不对?这是我们民族的又一大特点。 What do you think about it? That’s enough to make us learn English badly, isn’t it? 你觉得怎么样?就这两点,就足够中国人把英语学糟了。 As we see, the best way of learning a foreign language is to speak and communicate a lot. But Chinese can’t, for they are always worried that others will laugh at him or look down upon him, or they are afraid that others will reproach him to be too conceited, or they are also afraid of making any mistakes. How can we learn English well? 大家都知道,学习一门外语的最好途径就是大量的说,大量的交流。可是中国人不能,因为他们总担心别人会笑话他,看不起他,他们总害怕别人说他过于炫耀,他们还害怕一张嘴就出错。那我们怎么能学好英语呢? Now we know the main reason clear as day why we are unable to learn English perfectly, then let’s do some thinking, what shall we do? 现在我们清楚地知道了我们不能学好英语所存在的根本问题了,我们来想一想,怎么办呢? Please wait for my next article if you like and expect the way of solve the problem. 如果你有兴趣,想知道根本解决这个难题办法,请等待本人的下一篇文章。 Thanks a lot. 不尽感谢。