
1、他们是双胞胎,所以他们有许多相同之处(have…in common with)
5、make much of a differebce造句。

第3个是 除了Tom之外,每个同学都能回答这个问题。

1.Since they are twins,they have a lot in common with each other.
2.This job has little in common with that one.
3.Everyone can answer this question except Tom.
4.He also likes swimming,except playing basketball and football.
5.The invention of paper had a great influence to human history.
6.The rain has little influence to the match.


第1个回答  2008-09-04
1They are twins so they have a lot in common with each other.
2This job has nothing in common with that one.
3 Nobody can answer the question except Tom.
4 He likes to swim besides to play basketball and football.
5 The invention of paper has a great influence on the history of human beings.
6 The rain has little influence on the match.
第2个回答  2008-09-04
They have many in common with each other because they are twins

There is nothing in common between to jobs.

No one can answer this question in class except Tom.

He likes play basketball and football, besides, he like play games.

The invention of the paper has a great impact to human history.

This rain has no influence to the game.
第3个回答  2008-09-04
They are twins, therefore they have something in common.

This job and the other job, they have nothing in common.

No one can answer this question except for Tom.

Other then basket ball and football, he also likes to swim.

The invention of paper had a profound impact on the human history.

This rain had not effect the game much!

第4个回答  2008-09-04
1.They are twins so they have lots in common with each other.我觉得不要with each other更好,但你又要with.
2.Almostly,this job has no similarity with that job.
or: This job is almost totally different from that job.
3.No one can answer this question except TOM.我觉得这个"能"用be able to 可能更恰当一点.
4.Besides playing basketball and football, he also likes swimming.
5.The invention of paper affects human being's history greatly.
6.Rarely did the rain affect the match.
第5个回答  2008-09-04
1. They are twins. So that's why they have much in common.
2. There is no resemblance between this job and that job.
3. Nobody else can answer this question except Tom.
4. He likes swimming besides playing basketball and football.
5. The invention of paper has made much of a difference on human history.
6. This rain has no impact on the match.