谁能帮我写篇英语演讲稿 关于追星的 要求原创

适合初中生 最好带有译文 必须原创!!!!!!!

原创……好吧。nowadays,Star-chasing has been an indispensable part of teenagers' lives.is it really good?in my opinion, it not only has benefits,but has adverse effects as well.on the one hand,the stars themselves have some things that are worth studying.besides their fascinating apperances,we should also learn from their persistence,spirit and so on. such as Andy Lau, he's warm-hearted and hard-working.sometimes they can help us ovecome our shortcomings and lead us to the right way.on the other hand,crazy Star-chasing is not beneficial to us to some extent.for example,Yang Lijuan has done nothing but admire and follow her idol for more ten years .her family made every effort to achieve her "goal".Obviously , she has gone too far as a crazy fan.we must know that for us,the most important thing is to study.we stil have a long way to go.the future is unknown and we should strive for our dreams,not waste time on stars.so.my mates,please focus our attention on study.no matter what frustrations and temptations there will be,don't give up!be yourself!thank you.呼。我是初二的哈。希望能帮你。决对原创!好累呵。等下送中文。 当今社会,追星已成为青少年生活中必不可少的一部分。它真的好吗?我的观点是,它不仅有好处,还有坏处。一方面,明星本身有值得我们学习的东西。除了他们迷人的外貌,我们也应该学习他们的精神,坚持等等。像刘德华,他非常热心并且很努力。有时明星能帮助我们克服短处,引领我们到正确的道路上。另一方面,疯狂的追星在某种程度上对我们不好。例如,杨丽娟10年除了追求她的偶像没做任何事。她的家庭费尽全力达到她的“目标”。很明显,她作为一个疯狂的粉丝已经走的太远。我们必须知道对于我们来说,最重要的事情是学习,我们还有很长的路要走。未来是个未知数,我们应该为理想而奋斗,而不是在明星身上浪费时间。因此,我的朋友们,请把注意力集中到学习上吧。不管有多大的挫折和诱惑,请不要放弃!做你自己!谢谢大家。