


Although Lu Xun Park is not a very large park, but it has a unique style as a symbol of Qingdao. In the early 20th century to the 1980s, many of Qingdao tourism products are printed on Lu Xun Park waterfront scenery. The attractions in 1998 was named "Qingdao City Tourism top 10 scenic spots," in 2001 was named "the most favorite tourist attractions." Lu Xun Park was founded in 1929 by the then Agriculture and Forestry Office GE Jing, director of planning and design, initially in the then mayor Hureyu named "Ruo-yu Park." Shen Honglie successor in 1931 after the mayor, Ruo-yu Park proceeded with the construction, the construction of the museum is housed seafood, it was renamed "Waterfront Park." 1950, the Qingdao Municipal Assembly of People's Representatives decided, in order to commemorate the great revolutionaries, thinkers, writers, Lu Xun "Waterfront Park" renamed "Lu Xun Park."
第1个回答  2014-01-09


Park is retained door is the original arch and positive by Mr. Lu Xun handwritten form themselves into the number four characters - "Lu Xun Park." From the back of contemporary Beitie connoisseur Zheng, in 1932 by the title "Penghu-Glance," "bottle" means Penglai, "pot" refers to the pots, are living legends of the gods, that is to say, the landscape can Lu Xun Park with the "Penghu" Wonderland comparable. October 1986 death of Lu Xun, the 50th anniversary of the city's contributions to the construction of a youth a three-metre high granite statue of Lu Xun, stand, stand at the main entrance. Qingdao like this for the sculptor Zhang Bai Tao.

To commemorate the 120th anniversary of the birth of Mr. Lu Xun, in the autumn of 2000, the park began to build a "Lu Xun Shi Gallery," "Scream Taiwan," and "Mr. Lu Xun autobiography landmark" cultural landscapes. "Lu Xun poem Gallery" is a 75 meters long, three meters high national architectural form walls, a brown-red walls inlaid granite, inscribed Mr. Lu Xun 45 handwritten poem, "Poetry Gallery" central inlaid with Mr. Lu Xun bronze relief portrait, the whole "Poetry Gallery," a solemn elegance and great momentum, is a very small taste of the human landscape. "The Scream Taiwan," the sea, a broad field of vision, carved above Mr. Lu Xun "The Scream", a book of the sections. "Lu Xun's autobiography," Monument is located in Tingnei Cui Ying, three meters wide and 1.8 m high, 0.2 m thick stone, engraved with the original handwriting, Lu Xun autobiography.
第2个回答  2014-01-09

Lu Xun Museum in Beijing Fuchengmen Sector West 2, is the most drought after the establishment of the "biographies of Literature Museum." Museum, the predecessor of the West for 103 of the Beijing Lu Xun's former residence, 1954 in the house next to the construction of the museum, in the October 19, 1956 death of Lu Xun's 20 anniversary of the completion and opening up. After the 1994 expansion of the new exhibition hall is the antique-style courtyard architecture, and the adjacent home. Museum occupies 13,000 square meters.
Lu Xun (1881 an 1936), Jiang gradually Shaoxing, China's modern writers and thinkers, and revolutionaries. Home for the "King of Lu Xun's former residence of the old display," and this is a compact small courtyard, and the north and south of the three, all the things one, we have maintained that Mr. living at the appearance of the South is the reception room, North House Room two things were Juan Lu Xun's wife and the mother of the living room, the middle one for the restaurant, which houses a North protruding north of a small area of only 8 square meters, is the President's bedroom and study, that is, the famous "tiger tail," Mr. claiming "GURURIN book store," very simple furnishings. East Gallery into a house, held "Lu Xun in Beijing West 103 on the 21st" Exhibition.
Museum in 1993 was named Xicheng District People's Government for young people, "a history of the two conditions" (China's modern history, the history of the Chinese revolution and conditions) education bases.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2014-01-09