


1.Winner winner,chicken dinner!大吉大利,今晚吃鸡!

2.Where shall we go?我们去哪里。

3.We're going here.我们去这里。

4.Let's loot the G town/M city/school.我们去G镇/M城/学校。

5.Are we going risky or safety?我们是要刚枪还是猥琐发育?

6.Let's ambush the bridge.咱桥头埋伏一波。

7.How about we just camp here, and wait for the passers?我们守在这儿拦截怎么样?

8.Electric's coming, let's get in the circle.毒来了,咱们进圈吧。

9.I take care of north side.我看着N方向吧。

10.Watch your back.注意身后。

11.Keep an eye on those trees/rocks.盯着点那些树/石头。

12.Those houses are looted.那些房子被人搜过了。

13.I got movement in this building.我旁边这栋楼里有脚步声。

14.I see one in the red house, direction one seventy five, south, second floor, about two hundred meters away.我看到红房子二楼有个人,175方向和南方之间,大概200米远。
