
Teacher education began in china at the end of the nineteenth century .That is to say,teacher education boasts a long history in china.Since the founding of the People's Republic of china in 1949, it has undergone unprecedented development thanks to soliciude and support of the central and local governments.In the face of rapid advancement in science and technology, economic invigoration depends on education.The number and professional expertise of teachers is the key factor that determines the pace of educational progress.In China,which boasts one fifth of the teachers in the world,the entire education program and the development of the whole country are directly affected by the status and function of its teachers.

第1个回答  2007-09-28
第2个回答  2007-09-28
你是要求翻译吗?字面大致是这样的翻译:师范教育开始,中国是在十九世纪末。这就是说,中国师范教育拥有悠久历史.自从成立的中华人民共和国于1949年,它经历了前所未有的发展,以感谢和soliciude支持中央和地方政府 .在面对日新月异的科技,经济振兴中教育和有很多专业知识的教师是关键因素,决定了教育进展的步伐,其中之一就是肯定教师,在世界上,整个学习教育活动的发展,整个国家都是直接受地位和作用,其教师的影响。
第3个回答  2007-09-28