用现在进行时态 一般现在时态 将来时态 过去时态各造两个句子 要翻译而且必须是六年级上册的不好不给分


现在进行时态:I am dancing . 我在跳舞。 He is singing.他在唱歌
一般现在时态 :She likes apples . 她喜欢苹果 He is my brother .他是我的弟弟
将来时态:I will go home . 我要回家 She is going to school .她要去上学
过去时态: I was ill yesterday . 我昨天病了 He was late for school . 他上学迟到了
第1个回答  2011-12-30
I am reading english.我在读英语 they are playing football .他们在踢足球
They have chinese class every day . 他们天天上语文课 he brushes his teeth every morning .他每天早晨刷牙
will he teach you next term ? 下学期他将教你们吗 I am going to see Tom this sunday .这个星期天我准备去看望汤姆
she went to the park yesterday .她昨天上公园去了 I saw my grandma this morning .今早我看见奶奶了