英国、美国、加拿大的 health care 和 政治体系 的异同点

最好中英对照 好有加分

第1个回答  2012-01-04
health care:英国跟加拿大很相同,政府有医疗福利及服务的,原则上居民看医生不用花钱。美国跟中国一样,给钱才能看,不过全民都买保险卡;政治体系:英美加都是民主体系,全民选举制,但美国政府的国会权力大过全民,美加还有一个联邦政府管辖他们的州、省。
health care:Canada and UK have similar public health services. The US health system is a bit like that of China, you need to pay before getting attended. Most of the US citizens have insurance policy to cover medical expenses.
Political systems: UK ,Canada and the States have similar political systems. States and Canada additionally have a Federal Government to govern individualState/Province.