a lots of 和a lot of的区别


第1个回答  2018-03-31

A lot of和lots of都是“很多”的意思,用法有两点值得注意。
第一,a lot of和lots of都可用来说可数(countable)或不可数(uncountable)名词,而动词应用单数或复数形式,则看那名词而定,和a lot或lots无关。
例如“A lot of/Lots of money was lost.(损失了很多钱。)”一语,lots之后不用were;“A lot of/Lots of people were wounded.(很多人受了伤。)”一语,a lot of之后也不用was。
第二,many/much和a lot of/lots of意思相同,但语气上,many和much没有a lot of那么随便,a lot of又没有lots of那么随便。所以,a lot of / lots of不宜用于谨严的写作,多见于口语;但问句、否定句口头上也多用many和much。
例如甲问:“How much time have we?(我们有多少时间?)”
乙可以说:“We haven't much time.(我们没有很多时间。)”或“We have a lot of/lots of time.(我们有很多时间。)”
向人道谢,说“Thanks a lot!”也比“Thanks very much!”随便。
此外,年、月、日、时等时间单位,不可和a lot of/lots of连用。

"a lot of" 和 “lots of “ 意思相同:两者的意思都是指”大量的或数目不菲的人或事“。

They are both used before countable nouns and uncountable nouns: 


with countable nouns 用于可数名词前:

A lot of people went to the game. 

Lots of people went to the game.

with uncountable nouns 用于不可数名词前:

A lot of snow falls in winter.

Lots of snow falls in winter.

而 “a lot“ 则不同, 

”a lot“ means very often or very much. It is used as an adverb. It often comes at the end of a sentence and never before a noun. 

”a lot“ 意思是“经常” 或 “很多”。它作为副词使用,经常用在句子结尾,而从不用在名词前。如:

I like basketball a lot.

She's a lot happier now than she was.

I don't go there a lot anymore.

第2个回答  2018-11-06
A lot of和lots of都是“很多”的意思,用法有两点值得注意。
第一,a lot of和lots of都可用来说可数(countable)或不可数(uncountable)名词,而动词应用单数或复数形式,则看那名词而定,和a lot或lots无关。
例如“A lot of/Lots of money was lost.(损失了很多钱。)”一语,lots之后不用were;“A lot of/Lots of people were wounded.(很多人受了伤。)”一语,a lot of之后也不用was。
第二,many/much和a lot of/lots of意思相同,但语气上,many和much没有a lot of那么随便,a lot of又没有lots of那么随便。所以,a lot of / lots of不宜用于谨严的写作,多见于口语;但问句、否定句口头上也多用many和much。
例如甲问:“How much time have we?(我们有多少时间?)”
乙可以说:“We haven't much time.(我们没有很多时间。)”或“We have a lot of/lots of time.(我们有很多时间。)”
向人道谢,说“Thanks a lot!”也比“Thanks very much!”随便。
此外,年、月、日、时等时间单位,不可和a lot of/lots of连用。

"a lot of" 和 “lots of “ 意思相同:两者的意思都是指”大量的或数目不菲的人或事“。

They are both used before countable nouns and uncountable nouns:


with countable nouns 用于可数名词前:

A lot of people went to the game.

Lots of people went to the game.

with uncountable nouns 用于不可数名词前:

A lot of snow falls in winter.

Lots of snow falls in winter.

而 “a lot“ 则不同,

”a lot“ means very often or very much. It is used as an adverb. It often comes at the end of a sentence and never before a noun.

”a lot“ 意思是“经常” 或 “很多”。它作为副词使用,经常用在句子结尾,而从不用在名词前。如:

I like basketball a lot.

She's a lot happier now than she was.

I don't go there a lot anymore.
第3个回答  2016-11-09
(1)lots of和a lot of可以当做定语,即当做many或much那样来使用.因此,谓语动词的数不是依据lot和lots来决定,而是依据of所引导的名词的数来决定,如:
A lot of time has been wasted.有许多时间给浪费掉了.(a lot of=much)
A lot of people have been present.已有许多人到了.(a lot of=many)
There is lots of time to spare.时间绰绰有余.(lots of=much)
(2)a lot of=lots of表示”许多的“,可以修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词.
(3)a lot是表示程度的一个短语,意为”很,非常“.如:thanks a lot(多谢);know a lot about China(对中国了解很多)
(4)书面语用a lot of较多,口语用lots of较多.追问


第4个回答  2020-01-12