

Dining Hall食堂
Comprehensive Room of Instruments综合仪器室
Computer Room计算机室
Audio-Visual Classroom语音教室
Office of Teaching Affairs教务处
Reception Office接待室
Electric Power Distribution Station配电室
Mulit-media Classroom多媒体教室
Office of Logistics后勤处
Office of Finance 财务处
Research Office科研室
Dean's Office院长办公室
Tea Lounge茶水室
Multi-media Lecture Hall多功能报告厅
Office of Teachers教师办公室
Gentlemen's Bathroom男洗手间
Ladies' Bathroom女洗手间
Keep quiet!保持安静
No smoking!禁止吸烟
Staff only! 闲人免进
Reading Section 阅览区
第1个回答  2011-11-03
品管部 Quality Control Department
供应部Supplies Department
安装车间 Assembly Workshop
包装车间 Packaging Workshop
休息室 lobby, restroom
配件库 Assembly Warehouse
工具库 tool magazine
成品库 Finished Goods Warehouse
检验室 Inspection Office
传达室reception office
生产办production office(办公室)/Department(部)
毛坯库rough/Blank Warehouse http://www.b642.com
第2个回答  2011-11-02
China's API has high quality as well as low price, and I suggest your 。pany could consider to select vendors among Chinese factories。 Next time your 。pany is looking for vendors, please 。rm me no matter the product you needed is manufactured by us or not。 As a Chinese, it is easier for me to get the lowest price。iσ┠t¨gejκ畅spnnz
第3个回答  2011-11-02
Thank dining room computer integrated classroom language lab equipment Dean's Office reception room language lab, multimedia classroom distribution logistics research room at the Finance Office President's Office conference room library reading room tea and multi-function Hall, chairman of the Office of male and female toilets to keep teachers Admittance into the quiet non-smoking lounge reading area