
一,立场争执 谈判双方所持立场观点的不同,因而产生争执,形成僵局。
二、双方成交底线差距太大 如果双方谈判方案中所确定的成交底线差距太大、对各自利益的预期也有很大差距,而且这种差距很难弥合时,谈判就会陷入僵局
三、强迫手段 强迫意味着不平等、不合理,意味着恃强欺弱,与谈判的平等原则相悖,与“谈判不是一场竞技赛”、“成功谈判最终造就两个胜利者”的思想相悖。谈判某一方越是受到逼迫,就越是不会退让,谈判的僵局也就越容易出现。
四、信息沟通的障碍 谈判双方在交流彼此情况、地点、洽商合作意向、交易条件的过程中,可能遇到的由于主观与客观的原因所造成的理解障碍。
一、客观对待 谈判双方可能固执已见,不找到一项超越双方利益的方案,就难于打破这种僵持。 设法建立一项客观的准则,让双方都认为是公平的,既不损害任何一方面子,又易于实行的办事原则、程序或衡量事物的标准,往往是一解百解的枢纽型策略。
二、寻找替代方案 一旦一种方案遇到障碍,就应提供其他的备用方案供对方选择,使“山重水复疑无路”的局面变成“柳暗花明又一村”的好形势。
三、运用休会策略 谈判出现僵局,双方情绪都比较激动、紧张,会谈一时也难以继续,休会是一个较好的缓和办法。经过一段时间的休会,当大家再次坐到谈判桌上时,原来僵持对立的问题会比较容易沟通和解决,僵局也就随之被打破了。
四、改变谈判环境 谈判室是正式的工作场所,容易形成一种严肃而又紧张的气氛。当双方就某一问题发生争执,各持己见,互不相让,甚至话不投机、横眉冷对时,这种环境更容易使人产生一种压抑、沉闷的感觉。在轻松愉快的环境中,大家的心情放松,通过游玩、休息、私下接触,双方可以进一步熟悉、了解,清除彼此间的隔阂,也可不拘形式地就僵持的问题继续交换意见。彼此心情愉快,谈判桌上无法解决的问题,也许会迎刃而解了。
五、利用调节人 仲裁人或调节人可以起到提出符合实际的解决办法、出面邀请对立的双方继续会谈、刺激启发双方提出有创造性的建议、不带偏见地倾听和采纳双方的意见、综合双方观点,提出妥协的方案,促进交易达成等作用。
六、更换谈判人员 谈判人员失职或素质欠缺造成的僵局,不调换这些人就不能维护自身利益,不调换就不能打破僵局,甚至有可能损害与对方的友好合作。
七、有效的退让 在商务谈判中,当谈判陷入僵局时,如果对国内、国际情况有全面了解,又对双方的利益所在又把握得恰当准确,那么就应以灵活的方式在某些方面采取退让的策略,去换取另外一些方面的利益,以挽回本已失败的谈判,达成双方都能接受的协议。
八、以硬碰硬 当谈判陷入僵局时,己方认为自己的条件是合理的,无法再做让步,而且又没有其他可以选择的方案,可以采用孤注一掷,背水一战的策略。
九、据理力争 对于对方提出的不合理要求,特别是在一些原则问题上所表现的蛮横无理时,要做出明确而又坚决的反应。
十、角色移位 从对方角度来思考问题,或设法引导对方站到我方的立场上来思考问题,就能多一些彼此的理解。这对消除误解与分歧,找到更多的共同点,构筑双方都能接受的方案,有积极的推动作用。商务谈判中由于主客观原因,会出现各种各样的僵局,不同的理解角度对僵局有不同的分类方法。

第1个回答  2011-11-01
The reason of gridlock

A, position the dispute the negotiations both sides position different points of view, generating the dispute, form the deadlock.

For the negotiators will tell, sex is in dispute their position in negotiations to most of the mistakes made, the result of the deadlock is also one of the most common.

The two sides to clinch a deal the bottom line gap is too wide if negotiations between the two sides plan established clinch a deal the bottom line gap is too big, to the interests of the respective expected also have very big difference, and the gap to close, the negotiations would be in a stalemate

Three, forced to force means not equal, unreasonable, means that the bullies, and negotiations on the principle of equality, and "negotiation is not a competitive game", "successful negotiations eventually make two winners of the thought of personality. A party to the negotiations persecution, the more he won't compromise, negotiations impasse is more easy to appear.

Four, information communication obstacles in the negotiations both sides communication at each other, negotiations cooperation intention, terms, in the process may be met because of subjective and objective reasons caused by understanding disorders.

Break the deadlock strategies and skills

A, objective treatment the negotiations both sides may be stubborn has seen, don't find a beyond both sides benefit plan, was hard to break the deadlock. Try to establish a objective criterion, let both sides think is fair, neither damage any hand son, and easy to implement the work principle, program or measure things standards, can often be a solution to the hub of the solution of strategy.

Second, looking for alternative once a solution meet obstacles, then should offer other spare schemes for the person to choose, make "ShanChongShuiFu doubt no road" of the situation become "a siler lining" good situation.

Who can creatively proposed alternatives, who can master the negotiations of the initiative.

Three, use recess strategy gridlock negotiation, the two sides emotions are excited, tension, the talks also temporarily difficult to continue, recess is a good way to ease. After a period of recess, when you sit again to the negotiating table, the original problem is opposite stalemate easy communication and solved, and then the deadlock was broken.

Four, change the environment is formal negotiations discussing room of the workplace, easy to form a serious and the tension. When both sides is a problem of a dispute, far, are eyeball, even talk, frown at, the environment more easy to make the person produces a depressive, depressing feeling. In a relaxing environment, our mood relax, through the play, relax, personal contact, the two sides can further familiar with, understanding, remove the barriers between each other, can also be informal and it toward the problems continue to exchange opinions. Each other in a happy mood, the negotiating table can't solve the problems that may be solved.

Five, the use of regulating the referee or adjust human can have put forward with practical solutions, to invite the two opposing sides continue to talks, stimulate inspire both sides put forward the creative Suggestions, unbiased to listen to both sides and adopted by the opinions, comprehensive both point of view and puts forward compromise, promote the effect such as deal.

Six, change negotiators negotiators negligence of duty or lack of quality caused by the ice, not exchange these people can't maintain their own interests, not exchange cannot break the deadlock, and even the possibility of damage and each other's friendly cooperation.

Seven, effective concession in business negotiations, when an impasse in negotiations, if to the domestic and international situation to have comprehensive understanding, and to the interests of both sides and accurate grasp it properly, it should be a flexible approach in some ways to take concessions strategy, for other aspects of the interest, to save this already failed negotiations, a mutually acceptable agreement.

Eight, when negotiations stalled in peterborough, your think of their condition is reasonable, can't make concession, and no other can select scheme, can use put all your eggs in one basket, the strategy of the mortgage repayments.

Nine, argued that the other side puts forward to unreasonable, especially in some principles of the performance peremptorily, to make a clear and resolutely reaction.

Ten, role shift from each other Angle to think about the problem, or try to guide the other party stood up to our position thinking problem, can more understanding of each other. To eliminate the misunderstandings and differences, find more common ground, construct a mutually acceptable solution, a positive role. Business negotiations due to the subjective and objective reasons, there will be all kinds of stalemate, the understanding of the different Angle to the deadlock have different classification method