
1. 中华美食
2. 异域风味
9.意大利菜味浓香烂,以原汁原味闻名,烹调上 以炒、煎 、炸 、红焖等方法著称,并喜用面条、 米饭作菜,而不作为主食用。意大利人吃饭的习 惯一般在六七成熟就吃,这是其他国家所没有的。 口味爱好:喜吃烤羊腿、牛排等和口味醇浓的菜。 每样食品都是在适宜的季节,在风味最佳的时候趁新鲜吃。

第1个回答  2011-04-30
1. Chinese Food
2. Exotic flavor
3. Feast since flourished in the Qing Dynasty, Manchu and Han is a dish to form the essence of the history of the most famous Chinese banquet. Feast is a kind of strong national characteristics of a giant feast. The features of both the palace cuisine, but also the essence of local flavor, exquisite dishes, rituals stress, forming a striking style. Feast was originally organized by the bureaucracy and the Han people together over dinner to sit when a full meal is served. Feast serving at least one hundred and eight kinds of general, sub-three days after eating. Feast drawn wide range of fine materials, delicacies, all-encompassing. Cooking superb, full of local characteristics. Manchu dishes highlighting the special flavor of barbecue, hot pot, shabu-shabu is almost indispensable dish; the same time shows the characteristics of Han Chinese cooking, grilled, fried, fried, leavened, burning, etc. both, there really is a treasure of the Chinese cuisine culture.
4. Beijing Beijing cuisine is a cuisine, Shandong cuisine, ethnic food and halal food court of a combination of three flavors. Its formation history is not long, but in the country and around the world, has extensive influence, and reputation. Beijing food's basic characteristics are: choice of materials stress, knife skills, varied seasonings, heat rigor, pay attention to seasonal, pay attention to meal. Beijing cuisine "explosion" method, diverse, concrete can be divided into fried, Jiang Bao, Cong Bao, water blasting, soup explosion and so on. Pay attention to taste fresh and crisp, fresh and tasty, racy, and asked to do color, smell, taste, shape, superb control in five areas
5. In the long practice of food culture and cuisine, Hunan People's created a wide variety of dishes. With the advance of history, and the continuous exchange of cooking techniques, and gradually formed the Xiangjiang River, Dongting Lake and western Hunan province Hunan the three main local flavor cuisine.
6. Sichuan, Chengdu, Sichuan cuisine, represented by the basic characteristics of sour, sweet, hemp, spicy, incense, oil heavy and sour, with a strong local flavor of Sichuan. Sichuan cuisine is the main cooking: fried, blasting, baking, roasting, stir and so on. Dish colorful, spicy taste strong, emphasis on the three hot sauces (chili, pepper, pepper) and so on.
7. Southern Song Dynasty by the chef with the impact to the Rams, the 20th century, the Ming and Qing with the rapid development of foreign trade, to learn some of Western expertise, Cantonese also to the world, New York, there are only thousands of Cantonese restaurant. Cantonese cuisine is based in Guangzhou, Chaozhou, the East River, represented by three dishes formed.
8. Dongbei to stew, sauce, roasted as the main characteristics of rough shape and color re-Sauvignon. Rough outline of the Dongbei, not rigidly adhere to the details, looks somewhat rough outline of the Northeast, is appetite. Spine sauce, sauce trotters, chicken feet chicken neck chicken liver sauce, pickles, etc., if accompanied by mellow sorghum liquor, there will be rising from the stomach sort of pride, full of flavor beyond the Great Wall.
9. Italian food has a strong Hong rotten to original famous cooking on the fried, fried, fried, Hong Men and other methods known, and like to use noodles, rice, cooking, and not as a main food. Italian habit of eating six or seven mature normally eat, which is not available in other countries. Taste Hobbies: likes to eat the roast leg of lamb, steak and other dishes and taste Chunnong. Every kind of food are in the appropriate season, the best time to take advantage of the flavor of fresh food.
10. Pay attention to nutrition in the ratio of Japanese cuisine, but also likes to eat raw food: lobster, tuna, three salmon, are dipped in the green mustard and spices raw food, eat drink some sake. In addition to raw fish, sushi, the Japanese cuisine dishes as well teppanyaki, tempura, beef dipped in raw egg to eat hot pot of beef and mutton in China similar to the water pan. But overall, compared with Chinese food, Japanese food taste more to light, the numbers are small, get used to drinking bowl large enough to eat meat have the feeling of fear.
11. Thai food with bright colors and crisp fresh, red and green, sharp eyes and keen excellent benefits, whether it is fresh and colorful fruits and fresh vegetables, or fish, all seafood, especially squid, the sensuality, all without a real treat for diners Pleasant to see before the big, fierce swallowing. Speaking from the taste, hot and sour is the greatest feature of Thai food.
12. French cuisine is characterized by: wide choice of materials (such as snails, foie gras is delicious French cuisine), fine processing, cooking exquisite taste thick with light, color varieties; French cuisine is still relatively stress eating half-cooked or raw food such as steak, leg of lamb is characterized by half-cooked fresh, seafood, oysters can be eaten raw, burning ducks can be eaten generally a six mature, etc.; French cuisine attention to seasonings, spices and diverse species. Seasoned with wine, what wine, what kind of food choice, there are stringent requirements, such as broth with wine, seafood product with brandy, rum or brandy with all kinds of desserts and so on.