

第1个回答  2011-10-25
As man has achieved an unprecedented level of industrialization, technology is revolutionizing the way we live, work, learn and play. One of these significant transformations is the shift of workplace from office to home. This fancy innovation, though proved to be not that perfect, is warmly-welcomed by myriads of people, especially white-collars. To me, I agree with them based on the following analysis.

Staying at home and work, as is called telecommuting, spares workers the everyday chore of heading forth and back to work. Therefore, they can afford to dedicate more time to doing other meaningful things, like getting together with family members, which contributes to the harmonious atmosphere of the whole family. Besides, released from the cages crammed with rigid regulations and undoable stress, they can instead “slack off” a bit. It, in all likelihood, will keep them in a good mood, hence improving their work performance. To business owners, this change is definitely a cost-saving issue since rent for workplace and expense for facilities are no longer required.

However, telecommuting does prevail accompanied by several downsides. Firstly, with employees all working separately far away, employers may find it hard to carry out instant supervision which was once considered as a supplementary key to efficiency. Secondly, employees who work at home may also find themselves less motivated as peer pressure disappears accompanied by temptations flooding in.

From the foregoing discussion, we see that it is unjustifiable to overlook the demerits of telecommuting. Nevertheless, its merits are sound enough to make the compensation. Thus, it may be reasonable to anticipate its prevalence someday in the future.