an amount of,a number of,the amount of,the number of的意思与区别?


an amount of / a number of 表示很多,前者修饰不可数名词,后者修饰可数名词

the amount of / the number of 表示某样东西的数量,前者修饰不可数名词,后者修饰可数名词
第1个回答  2012-10-06
首先,我们看看a large number of /a large amount of 与 the large number of /the large amount of 究竟差别在什么地方? a ......强调重点在of后面的名词,表示“许多”,谓语动词的要求就看那个名词的性质;the......强调重点在of前面,即“number数目”、“amount数额”,这两个名词一看就是单数,谓语动词的要求很快就确定下来了。例如What is the amount of my bill? The total amount of the payment is﹩4000. The number of the accidents that happen in the home is [不是are] almost the same as those on the road. The number of Rwanda refugees having returned home is [不是are] approaching a million.

其次,我们再看看a large number of /a large amount of后面的名词性质如何?a large number of students, books, animals等可数名词复数;a large amount of information, money, work, help, pleasure 等不可数名词。这样,与之相关的谓语动词的语法要求很快也确定下来了。例如
There are a large number of students in the classroom. There is a large amount of water in the bottle.

最后,补充说明:an amount of实际使用中还有两个变式(1)a large/certain/enormous amount (2)amounts of 谓语动词的语法要求和标准式一样。a number of 的第一个变式是a vast/countless/alarming/increasing number of... 第二个变式numbers of字典里也有,但似乎不常用。
第2个回答  2011-11-16
an amount of后面加不可数名词
a number of发后面加可数名词复数
the number of诗指可数名词的数量
the amount of指不可数名词的数量