
我非常喜欢旅游,如果我赚了钱,我愿意百分之七十都花在旅游上。因为我喜欢去感受不同的风土人情。在中国,我去过的地方,影响最深的有两个。一个是青海,另一个是青岛。在青海我去了,青海湖,塔尔寺,坎布拉国家森林公园,李家峡,东关清真大寺。青海湖,是中国最美的五大湖之一,其他四个湖分别是,喀纳斯湖,你们知道在哪吗?对,在新疆。纳木错湖,在西藏。长白山天池,在吉林。西湖,在浙江。青海湖是摄影家和艺术家的天堂。我是7月份去的青海湖,是油菜花盛开的季节,非常美丽,壮观。在五月份去可以看到大群的候鸟,很遗憾我去的时候鸟都飞走了。青海湖湖面海拔为3260米。湖中有三座石岛,由于远离陆地,是鸟儿们的天堂。人们也称之为鸟岛。之后我又去了塔尔寺,他是中国藏传佛教格鲁派,六大寺院之一。建筑风格很有特点,金色的屋顶,红色的墙面,白色的塔。来着的朝拜的信徒都非常虔诚。磕头的次数要和菩提树上的叶子一样多。第二天我们来到了卡布拉森林公园,这里有奇特“丹霞”地貌、茂密的森林植被、古老的宗教文化、雄伟的电站大坝、绮丽的峡谷库。它距离距青海省西宁市131公里。在这里天气变化很大,山的这边还下着雨,而另一边却是晴天。 李家峡,是黄河上游的水电站,也是西北第一大水电站,让我难以想想的是,这竟然是黄河的水,非常的清澈。很多人都喜欢西宁有一个原因,你们知道是什么吗?这个原因是,即便是在夏天也没有蚊虫叮咬,夏天最热也超不过25,26摄氏度。西宁有很多小吃,早餐人们都吃羊杂碎。有青海特色的酸奶,只需1.5元一碗。有一条著名的夜市小吃街,大兴街,人们都叫它。红黄蓝街,因为,红色的帐篷,黄色的灯泡,蓝色的桌布。这的小吃都很便宜。

I am very fond of traveling, if I made money, I am willing to seventy percent is spent on travel. Because I like to feel different customs. In China, I visited the place, the two most affected. One is in Qinghai, the other is Qingdao. I went in Qinghai, Qinghai Lake, Tar, Cambra National Forest Park, Li Xia, Dongguan Mosque. Qinghai Lake, the Great Lakes is one of China's most beautiful, the other four lakes are, Kanas Lake, where you know it? Yes, in Xinjiang. Namco Lake in Tibet. Tianchi, in Jilin. West Lake in Zhejiang. Qinghai Lake is a paradise for photographers and artists. I go to Qinghai Lake in July, is a rape in full bloom, beautiful, spectacular. In May to see large herds of migratory birds, I am sorry I have to go when the birds flew away. Qinghai Lake, the lake elevation is 3260 meters. There are three Isle Lake, away from land, is a paradise for birds. It is also known as Bird Island. After that I went to Tar, he Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism in China, one of six major monasteries. Architectural style is very characteristic, the golden roofs, red walls, white tower. To worship with the believers are very devout. The number of times and kowtow to the leaves as much as Linden. The next day we came to the 卡布拉森林 park, there are strange "Danxia" landscape, dense forests, ancient religion and culture, majestic power station dam, beautiful valley library. It is located 131 km away from Xining City, Qinghai Province. Changes in the weather here is great, the mountain still raining here, but on the other side it is sunny. Lijiaxia, the upper reaches of the Yellow River Hydropower Station, the Northwest is the largest hydropower station, so that I can think of is that this turned out to be the Yellow River water is very clear. Many people like to Xining have a reason, you know what that is? The reason is that, even without mosquito bites in the summer, the hottest summer but also over 25, 26 degrees Celsius. Xining, there are many snacks, breakfast people eat the sheep offal are. Qinghai features yogurt, only 1.5 per bowl. There is a famous night market snacks Street, Daxing Street, people call it. Red, yellow, blue street, because the red tent, the yellow light bulbs, blue tablecloths. This snack is very cheap.
Down and we talk about Qingdao. Located at the southern tip of Shandong Peninsula, east, south verge of the Yellow Sea. In August 2007 I went to Qingdao. First, I went trestle. It is an important symbol of Qingdao. Qingdao Pier is connected with the mountain. Qingdao Zhongshan Road is one of the busiest roads. At high tide, the great tide, sparking clusters of white spray, attracting countless visitors to watch; low tide, the ocher rocks and golden beaches out of the water, the beach full of sea cockle catch the visitors. In recent years, Qingdao has launched the "retain Seagull" activity, during calm when hundreds of thousands of seagulls flying freely in the Bay. Then I went to Qingdao, Colorado. China Qingdao Colorado is one of five most beautiful city. Colonizers left style. Are more Western-style courtyard villas. Shape is different. The most famous is the flower stone floor. Its architectural style is a European castle-style. Because it is built of granite and cobblestone, named after the granite. We live in the view of Elephant on the International Youth Hostel, a day listening to the ship's whistle sound, listen to sound of the waves, accompanied by sun up. Really great and the. This is the view from the scenic overlook on the Elephant! I also went to the Old Man Stone Resort, which is a 17-meter-high stone pillars, the shape of elderly people sitting in the sea, called the "stone for the elderly." Elderly attention rapt attention, watching the sun rise every morning, evening sunset twilight get away, accompanied by rise and fall, suffered a lot, I do not know how many years spent. This is the art of carving a masterpiece of nature. My experience on the introduction to this, there is hope and opportunity for everyone to travel.

希望能帮到你 (^O^)
第1个回答  2011-11-16
I am very fond of traveling, if I made money, I am willing to seventy percent is spent on travel. Because I like to feel different customs. In China, I visited the place, the two most affected. One is in Qinghai, the other is Qingdao. I went in Qinghai, Qinghai Lake, Tar, Cambra National Forest Park, Li Xia, Dongguan Mosque. Qinghai Lake, the Great Lakes is one of China's most beautiful, the other four lakes are, Kanas Lake, where you know it? Yes, in Xinjiang. Namco Lake in Tibet. Tianchi, in Jilin. West Lake in Zhejiang. Qinghai Lake is a paradise for photographers and artists. I go to Qinghai Lake in July, is a rape in full bloom, beautiful, spectacular. In May to see large herds of migratory birds, I am sorry I have to go when the birds flew away. Qinghai Lake, the lake elevation is 3260 meters. There are three Isle Lake, away from land, is a paradise for birds. It is also known as Bird Island. After that I went to Tar, he Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism in China, one of six major monasteries. Architectural style is very characteristic, the golden roofs, red walls, white tower. To worship with the believers are very devout. The number of times and kowtow to the leaves as much as Linden. The next day we came to the 卡布拉森林 park, there are strange "Danxia" landscape, dense forests, ancient religion and culture, majestic power station dam, beautiful valley library. It is located 131 km away from Xining City, Qinghai Province. Changes in the weather here is great, the mountain still raining here, but on the other side it is sunny. Lijiaxia, the upper reaches of the Yellow River Hydropower Station, the Northwest is the largest hydropower station, so that I can think of is that this turned out to be the Yellow River water is very clear. Many people like to Xining have a reason, you know what that is? The reason is that, even without mosquito bites in the summer, the hottest summer but also over 25, 26 degrees Celsius. Xining, there are many snacks, breakfast people eat the sheep offal are. Qinghai features yogurt, only 1.5 per bowl. There is a famous night market snacks Street, Daxing Street, people call it. Red, yellow, blue street, because the red tent, the yellow light bulbs, blue tablecloths. This snack is very cheap.
Down and we talk about Qingdao. Located at the southern tip of Shandong Peninsula, east, south verge of the Yellow Sea. In August 2007 I went to Qingdao. First, I went trestle. It is an important symbol of Qingdao. Qingdao Pier is connected with the mountain. Qingdao Zhongshan Road is one of the busiest roads. At high tide, the great tide, sparking clusters of white spray, attracting countless visitors to watch; low tide, the ocher rocks and golden beaches out of the water, the beach full of sea cockle catch the visitors. In recent years, Qingdao has launched the "retain Seagull" activity, during calm when hundreds of thousands of seagulls flying freely in the Bay. Then I went to Qingdao, Colorado. China Qingdao Colorado is one of five most beautiful city. Colonizers left style. Are more Western-style courtyard villas. Shape is different. The most famous is the flower stone floor. Its architectural style is a European castle-style. Because it is built of granite and cobblestone, named after the granite. We live in the view of Elephant on the International Youth Hostel, a day listening to the ship's whistle sound, listen to sound of the waves, accompanied by sun up. Really great and the. This is the view from the scenic overlook on the Elephant! I also went to the Old Man Stone Resort, which is a 17-meter-high stone pillars, the shape of elderly people sitting in the sea, called the "stone for the elderly." Elderly attention rapt attention, watching the sun rise every morning, evening sunset twilight get away, accompanied by rise and fall, suffered a lot, I do not know how many years spent. This is the art of carving a masterpiece of nature. My experience on the introduction to this, there is hope and opportunity for everyone to travel.