状语从句修饰什么 请举例


1.时间状语从句 (adverbial clause of time)
例句:Her goldfish died when she was young.(时间状语从句:when she was young)

2.地点状语从句;(adverbial clause of place)
例句:He said he was happy where he was. (地点状语从句:where he was)

3.原因状语从句;(adverbial clause of reason)
例句:I couldn't feel anger against him because I liked him too much. (原因状语从句:because I liked him too much)

4.条件状语从句;(adverbial clause of condition)
例句:If they lose weight during an illness, they soon regain it afterwards. (条件状语从句:If they lose weight during an illness)

5.目的状语从句;(adverbial clause of purpose)
例句:They had to take some of his land so that they could extend the chuchyard. (目的状语从句:so that they could extend the chuchyard)

6.让步状语从句;(adverbial clause of concession)
例句:I used to read a lot although I don't get much time for books now. (让步状语从句:although I don't get much time for books now)

7.比较状语从句;(adverbial clause of comparison)
例句:She is a better cook than I. (比较状语从句:than I)

8.结果状语从句;(adverbial clause of results)
例句:My suitcase had become so damaged that the lid would not stay closed. (结果状语从句:that the lid would not stay closed)

9.方式状语从句;(adverbial clause of manner)
例句: I was never allowed to do things as I wanted to do them. (方式状语从句: as I wanted to do them)