

关键是看从句中的动词。如果是及物动词(就是必须直接跟宾语的动词),则表明从句缺宾语,修饰人用who/whom,修饰物用that/which; 如动词是不及物动词(就是不需要直接跟宾语的或要接宾语时前面必须要加介词的,即用介宾的动词),则说明从句不缺宾语,可能是状语(或介宾)。表地点用where.时间用when.
举例:1. This is the factory_________we visited yesterday.
2.This is the stable__________Jesus Chirst was born.
1:从句的动词是visit,我们说参观某个地方说:visit some place。而不说visit in the place所以visit是及物动词。所以缺宾语,修饰物故用which.
2,我们说出生于某地用be born in,如:I was born in beijing 而不说I was born beijing.
故说明born 后不直接跟宾语,应用介宾,或关系副词(where/when)所以此处填 in which 也是正确的。
第1个回答  2011-10-18
where=in/on/at which,直观上可以这么理解.
Eg:I want to find a place (where) I can do my home work.
I want to find a place ( in which) I can do my home work.
同理适用于when 和 which的区别,当然这是我老师告诉我的一个方法,希望对你有用.主要看你选的词语在句中的成分.回到例子里面,例1很显然是一个表地点的副词,例2中前面是有 in修饰的,很显然填的词语是来取代前面的单词a /the place,这里的成分是一个名词.
第2个回答  2011-10-18
This is the hospital. I was born in this hospital
This is the hospital WHERE I was born
==This is the hospital IN WHICH I was born
==This is the hospital (THAT) I was born IN.
This is the city . We live in this city
This is the city in which / where we live
This is the city (that) we live in.