

1, love and be loved is a basic human right, the boss obviously wants to deprive me of their rights, his behavior interfered with my private life. 2.原则上是没人能够干涉你的私生活,但许多公司明令禁止办公室恋情。 2 principle is that no one can interfere in your private life, but many companies prohibited office romance. 3.我能采取法律手段来处理这件事情吗? 3 I can take legal means to deal with this thing? 4.当然可以,但那不是个明智的决定。 4 Of course you can, but not a wise decision. 即使公司不因这件事开除你,也会找其他理由的。 Even if the company does not fire you because of this, would find other reasons. 一些公司之所以有这样的规定,是因为他们担心办公室恋情也许会带来很多不利的因素,如工作效率的降低。 The reason why some companies have such a requirement because they are worried about an office romance may bring a lot of negative factors, such as reduced work efficiency. 5.我们是成年人,知道该如何工作,是不会在工作是谈恋爱的。 5 We are adults and know how to work, will not fall in love at work. 另外,与自己所爱的人一同工作,心情一定很好,或许这会提高工作效率。 In addition, with their loved ones to work together, some very good mood, maybe this will improve efficiency. 6.情感有时是很难用理性来控制的,尤其是当你们之间有不愉快时,你们会把这种情绪带到工作中去。 6 feelings is sometimes difficult to control with a rational, especially when there is unpleasant between you when you take that feeling into the work. 当恋爱破裂时情况会更糟,你们会故意影响对方工作,甚至伤害对方。 When love breaks down the situation worse, you will deliberately affect the other work, or even hurt each other. 另外一个问题在于,办公室恋情通常是同事闲谈的话题,不利于树立公司良好的形象。 Another problem is that colleagues in an office romance is often a topic of gossip, is not conducive to establishing a good corporate image. 7.那我该怎么做? 7 then how can I do? 选择工作还是爱情? Choose to work or love? 8.你工作的是一家大公司,可以申请到另外一个部门去。 8 your work is a big company, can apply to another department. 如果你能很容易找到同样的工作,到其他公司去也是一种办法。 If you can easily find the same work to other companies is also a way to go. 毕竟,距离有时也是一种美。 After all, the distance can also be a beauty. 每时每刻都与所爱的人在一起会降低恋爱的热情。 All the time together with loved ones will reduce the enthusiasm of love.
第1个回答  2011-10-30
1, to love and to be loved is a fundamental right, boss clearly want to deprive me of my right, his behavior interference of my private life. The 2 principle is not to interfere in your private life, but many companies banned office romance. 3 I will take legal means to deal with this matter? 4 of course, but it is not a wise decision. Even if the company is not due to the thing from you, will look for other reasons. Some companies have such provisions, because they worry about office romance may bring about many unfavorable factors, such as lower efficiency. 5 we are adults, know how to work, is not in work is to fall in love. In addition, with their loved ones together, must have been in a good mood, maybe it will improve work efficiency. 6 emotions sometimes is difficult using reason to control, especially when you are not happy, you will put it to work for you. When love is broken when the situation will be even worse, you will intentionally influence each other, and even hurt each other. Another problem is that, office romance is often the subject of gossip is not conducive to colleagues, establish a good image of the company. 7 what should I do? Choose a job or love? 8 your work is a large company, can apply to another department. If you can easily find the same work, to another company is a way. After all, the distance is sometimes also a kind of beauty. All the time and love together will reduce the passion of love.

在网上查的 我也不知道对不对、
第2个回答  2011-10-30
1, to love and to be loved is a fundamental right, the boss obviously want to deprive me of entitlements, his behavior interfere with my private life. 2. In principle is no one can interfere with your private life, but many companies banned office relationship. 3. Will I be able to take legal means to deal with it? 4. Of course, but that's not a wise decision. Even if the company not because it fired you, will also look for other reasons. Some companies have such regulation, because they worry about office romances may bring many adverse factors, such as work a loss of efficiency. 5. We as adults, know how to work, it is not in work is to fall in love. In addition, and with the person I love working together, must have been in a good mood, perhaps ?
第3个回答  2011-10-30
1.love and be loved is a basic human right, it's obvious that boss wants to take it away from me.he interteres my personal life.
2.No one can meddle in your private in principle life,but office love is forbided in companies.
3.can i deal with this problem in legal means?
4.of course you can.but that's not wise,the company will fire you for this with any other excuses.the reason why some companies have expressly agreed terms of office love is they think it can do more harm than good,for example it may reduse the efficiency of work.
5.we are adults we know how to work and we wouldn't date with anyone while we are working,besides we will happy,when we work with the one we love.it might increase the work efficiency.
6.feelings is sometimes difficult to control with a rational, especially when there is unpleasant between you when you take that feeling into the work. When love breaks down the situation worse, you will deliberately affect the other work, or even hurt each other. Another problem is that colleagues in an office romance is often a topic of gossip, is not conducive to establishing a good corporate image.
7.then what shall i do? love or work which one sould i choose?
8. you are working in a big company you can apply to the orther department.or if you can easily find another job just like what you do right now,then go awy to the other company is a good method.after all distance is a kind of beauty.stay with your lover every munites would decrease the enthusiasm of love.本回答被提问者和网友采纳