

cookies中文名称为小型文本文件,指某些网站为了辨别用户身份而储存在用户本地终端(Client Side)上的数据(通常经过加密)。它满足RFC6265标准。

Cookies一词用在程序设计中是一种能够让网站服务器把少量数据储存到客户端的硬盘或内存,或是从客户端的硬盘读取数据的一种技术。从本质上讲,它可以看作是你的身份证。保存的信息片断以"名/值"对(name-value pairs)的形式储存,一个"名/值"对仅仅是一条命名的数据。




其使用方法是: 需要注意的是,只有在服务器未被下载任何数据给浏览器前,浏览器才能与Server进行Cookies集合的数据交换,一旦浏览器开始接收Server所下载的数据,Cookies的数据交换则停止,为了避免错误,要在程序和前面加上response.Buffer=True。

第1个回答  2015-10-10

    网页上的cookies 的英文翻译为: the cookies in the web page.


    为什么需要Cookie? 因为HTTP协议是无状态的,对于一个浏览器发出的多次请求,WEB服务器无法区分 是不是来源于同一个浏览器。所以,需要额外的数据用于维护会话。 Cookie 正是这样的一段随HTTP请求一起被传递的额外数据。

    Cookie能做什么? Cookie只是一段文本,所以它只能保存字符串。而且浏览器对它有大小限制以及 它会随着每次请求被发送到服务器,所以应该保证它不要太大。 Cookie的内容也是明文保存的,有些浏览器提供界面修改,所以, 不适合保存重要的或者涉及隐私的内容。

    Cookie 的限制。 大多数浏览器支持最大为 4096 字节的 Cookie。由于这限制了 Cookie 的大小,最好用 Cookie 来存储少量数据,或者存储用户 ID 之类的标识符。用户 ID 随后便可用于标识用户,以及从数据库或其他数据源中读取用户信息。 浏览器还限制站点可以在用户计算机上存储的 Cookie 的数量。大多数浏览器只允许每个站点存储 20 个 Cookie;如果试图存储更多 Cookie,则最旧的 Cookie 便会被丢弃。有些浏览器还会对它们将接受的来自所有站点的 Cookie 总数作出绝对限制,通常为 300 个。

第2个回答  推荐于2019-04-26
一些网站会在您的计算机上的以小文本文件存储信息。这种文件称为 Cookie。
Cookie 是由 Internet 站点创建的、将信息存储在计算机上的文件。Cookie 也可以存储个人可识别信息。个人可识别信息是可以用来识别或联系您的信息,例如您的姓名、电子邮件地址,或者电话号码。
HTTP cookies, sometimes known as web cookies or just cookies, are parcels of text sent by a server to a web browser and then sent back unchanged by the browser each time it accesses that server. HTTP cookies are used for authenticating, tracking, and maintaining specific information about users, such as site preferences and the contents of their electronic shopping carts. The term "cookie" is derived from "magic cookie," a well-known concept in Unix computing which inspired both the idea and the name of HTTP cookies.

Cookies have been of concern for Internet privacy, since they can be used for tracking browsing behavior. As a result, they have been subject to legislation in various countries such as the United States and in the European Union. Cookies have also been criticised because the identification of users they provide is not always accurate and because they could potentially be used for network attacks. Some alternatives to cookies exist, but each has its own drawbacks.

Cookies are also subject to a number of misconceptions, mostly based on the erroneous notion that they are computer programs. In fact, cookies are simple pieces of data unable to perform any operation by themselves. In particular, they are neither spyware nor viruses, despite the detection of cookies from certain sites by many anti-spyware products.

Most modern browsers allow users to decide whether to accept cookies, but rejection makes some websites unusable. For example, shopping baskets implemented using cookies do not work if cookies are rejected.本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第3个回答  2007-08-18
第4个回答  2018-02-25