















Jim: hello, please help me find Bob

A: your name, please?

Jim: I'm Jim.

A: ok, Mr. Jim, I with he A connection, you wait A moment.

Jim: ok.


A: Mr. Jim, I have told Bob you coming, he said he will come here.

I'll show you to the conference room take a break?

Jim: ok.

A: good, you this way, please.

(to the conference room the door) good, come in, please.

(into the meeting room inside, guests led to designated location) please you in this way have a rest.

Mr. Jim you like to drink, coffee or tea?

Jim: I like coffee.

A: good, you wait A moment, (ask another) that you?

L: I also want to coffee.

A: good, please two wait A moment.

(go to coffee)

A: hello, this is your coffee, (to Jim), this is your coffee (to L).

Bob will be here soon. You now have a rest here?
第1个回答  2012-03-18
A: May I have you name please?(请问您的名字是?)
A:Ok, sir(一般会告诉全名,可以说MR.+姓,例如: MR.Smith), i will contact with bob, please wait for a moment.
A:Jim, I've already told bob that you're here, he will meet you in a few minutes. If you don't mind, let me show you to the meeting room and have a rest first.
A:ok , this way please.
please come in!
please have a seat and have a rest.
A: Sir, do you like coffee or tea? Jim: coffee,please.
A: OK,how about you,sir?。。。。
A: this is your coffee, and this is yours,
bob is coming,. 反正就是不停的稍等...wait wait wait wait .......追问


第2个回答  2012-03-17
A: What is your name?

jim: jim.

A: Well, jim Mr. I contact him, you wait.

jim: good.
A: jim, Mr., I, have told bob you have come, he said that he would be here.
I take you to the conference room to take a break for me, please?

jim: good.

A: Well, your way, please.
(To the conference room door), come in.
(Into the side of the conference room, the guests to specified location) please you to rest here.

jim sir, you want to drink coffee or tea.

jim: I want coffee.

A: Well, you wait, (ask the other one) that you do?

L: I would also like coffee.

A: Well, two wait.
(Go out to coffee)

A: Hello, this is your coffee, (jim), which is your coffee (to L).

bob to come at once. You are now here to take a break please.
第3个回答  2012-03-17
Jim: hello, please help me find Bob
A: your name, please?

Jim: I'm Jim.

A: ok, Mr. Jim, I with he A connection, you wait A moment.

Jim: ok.


A: Mr. Jim, I have told Bob you coming, he said he will come here.
I'll show you to the conference room take a break?

Jim: ok.

A: good, you this way, please.
(to the conference room the door) good, come in, please.
(into the meeting room inside, guests led to designated location) please you in this way have a rest
第4个回答  2012-03-18
JIM:Hello.Could you help me call BOB ?
A:Can I have your name?
A:OK,Mr Jim,Now I will contact BOB , please wait a minutes.
A: Hello, Mr JIM.I already told Mr BOB,he said he will arrive here at once.
So could you mind I take you to the meeting room for rest first?
A: Please this way.
(arrived the outdoor of meeting room)
Come in ,please.
(In the meeting room,guests already in the designated seat)
Please take a seat and a good break.
Mr Jim,Do you like coffee or tea?
JIM: Coffee,please.
A:Ok,one minute.(ask another) How about you ?
L: Coffee,too.
A: Ok ,one minute.
(go outside to make coffee)
A:Hello,this one is your coffee(to JIM),and another is yours(to L).
BOb will arrive,have a good break.


