

Reading has two types, one is recreation type, is obtaining a type.
Pastime reading like other pastimes, is a human in order to adjust the height of the physical and psychological tension, relieve tiredness and a kind of spiritual activity. Pastime reading for reading subject knowledge accomplishment, aesthetic ability does not make excessive demands, as long as have the realistic, empirical knowledge of the people can be engaged in the reading. Reading main body does not attempt to reading material cutting depth and interpretation, not for aesthetic purposes, but not to ask to read the text in depth reading and thinking the creative new ideas, but it is expressed in the process of reading level and consumption. On the choice of reading material, reading subject is from feeling and interest, and rarely consider the text value and artistic value thought.
Acquired reading can be divided into two types. The first is with pastime reading diametrically opposite. In the face of reading the text, reading main body attitude is obtained by reading knowledge, enlighten the mind. In the process of reading for the text to convey the surface or shallow layer meaning of simple cognitive and master to meet, but eager to obtain new aesthetic experience and survival of enlightenment, and make our own spiritual realm and thought up into the hitherto unknown height. This reading of the super realistic utilitarian makes reading in reading the body becomes an indispensable and irreplaceable, the senior spiritual activities. This kind of reading with clear purpose, reading main body in the entry on the text before, do some preparation work, such as understanding and text knowledge about the information in the reading of the text, the receiving process, pay attention to refine, absorb and digest the text to convey new information, and then with the inherent thinking through the conflict, coexist and achieve integration degree. In the process of reading and ability training and knowledge to accept both.
Another access reading is actually a pastime reading extension, i.e. in the text of the reading process, originally held for recreational purposes is gradually from the text to obtain higher spiritual enjoyment and aesthetic expectations are replaced. This method of obtaining a reading than before, the purpose of desalination, for reading main body self-discipline demand is not high, the subject of reading the text from the shallower to the deeper cognition, hold and re-creation is composed of its own in the reading process of changing desires gradually lead and import. Therefore, on the subject of reading in the reading process of mental state, the more relaxed, and reading object between more full of tension, and therefore subject to object reading text initiative is also more prominent, more easy to reach for a text creative reading and interpretation necessary for the independent free state. Of course, this kind of reading to the reading main body oneself accomplishment, knowledge is more demanding. Because in the course of reading from the text, to get a feel for the reason of surface meaning above, shaded by the deep connotation, without sufficient knowledge and the esthetic ability is absolutely impossible.
If the text will appear to humans into civilized society, then, for word reading ability or not, can be used as a division of civilization and civilized people sign.
In our present university department of Chinese literature education, literary history, literature, the writer's life and creation research, while the writers are abstract and conceptual explanation, lack of targeted, to cultivate the students' aesthetic ability and thinking ability the experience introduction. The result is the abstract literature, writers and other ideological knowledge, students are familiar; as to the appreciation of literary works, in addition to a commonplace talk of an old scholar style theme theory, artistic characteristics on, again also could not say why, more do not talk to go up to obtain very high aesthetic enjoyment, or hypertext creative interpretation. Results make the fresh and vivid literary art, become dry didactic tools or wording templates, literary creation and appreciation of literature lost its idealism.
To change this situation, we have to pay more attention to the literature appreciation ability, should first concern is for reading instruction, we should make sure people's recreational reading, because it helps to cultivate people's reading interest and habit, and there is a need to advocate and encourage people to get reading; and then to make practical reading and reading program. For a bibliography compiled, in must be excellent works under the premise, as far as possible to compile some interesting, beautiful, charming, attractive works. Of course, the culture of people beyond the reality of utilitarian reading habits, proper guidance is indispensable. Because of the known as the classic and worthy of reading texts, have quite one part is beyond the range of ordinary readers, if there is no corresponding aesthetic ability and thinking ability, people often can not grasp the text itself, not to mention the understanding and absorbing the essence of the.
Reading is a long-term, days and months multiplying the influence character by environment, mental activity. Read influences an individual quality the most basic, most the part of core -- values, aesthetic values, moral values and outlook on life. Reading is not only a personal understanding of the world and the thinking process of the world, is also a personal spiritual self reflection process, namely by reading to self-examination, self-improvement, thus form the introspection and thinking habits, so it becomes very important to people.








第1个回答  2012-03-12