用英文写一个关于节能灯泡的广告文案 要包含"open your mind,bright your life”这个内容 300字以内

不需要很复杂 文法正确 思路清晰就可以了 谢谢了啊 各位大神。。可以追加分数的。。

(Replace the “energy saving bulb” with the brand you will be advertising) (“节能灯泡”可更换成你推广的品牌)

Open your mind, Brighten your life

Want to brighten your life? It’s easy! Start with changing a few light bulbs. It’s one of the easiest things that you can do for the environment and your budget.

Open your eyes, open your mind; you can easily notice what energy saving bulbs can bring to your life.

First saving energy: an energy saving bulb uses 75 percent of electricity than a regular bulb, but gives you the same amount of light.

Secondly generating less heat: they generate less heat and easy to operate.

Thirdly long life span: they last 10 times longer than the regular bulbs.

Fourthly: they can be used both indoor and outdoor.

Last but not the least, most of them come with sleek designs and offer you “warm and inviting light” than a regular bulb’s “harsh” light.

Are you amazed yet?

If every household swaps just one regular light bulb with an energy saving bulb, together we can save enough energy to lighten three million homes.

So saving money, saving energy, protecting the environment is as easy as changing a light bulb. What a bright idea.

Let’s open our minds and brighten our life together!

** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】
第1个回答  2012-03-21
张开你的双臂,拥抱你的爱人;open your arms, hug your love
放开你的心灵,点亮你的人生;open your mind,bright your life
第2个回答  2012-03-21
Energy saving bulb SAVE 80% of your power,it nearly means you use it at free charge.
Don't hesitate.
Open your mind,bright your life.追问

请问可以扩展一下吗 如果再长一点就好了