

给楼主两个例子作为参考,希望帮到了对话一BeingLateforSchool上学迟到  原文:  (Li Mei is late for school.)  W: May I come in, please?  M: Hi, Li Mei, come in. Why are you late today? You know we're having an exam.  W: I'm sorry, Mr. Li. My bike broke down[1] on the way. And I couldn't find a place to get it fixed. So I pushed it all the way[2] to school.  M: I see.Here is your test paper.Go to your seat and start to do it fast.  译文:  上学迟到  (李梅上学迟到了)  W: 可以进来吗?  M: 嗨,李梅,进来吧。你今天怎么迟到了?你知道我们今天考试的。  W: 对不起,李老师。我的自行车在路上坏了。可我找不到修车的地方,所以我只好一路推着车到了学校。  M: 知道了。这是你的考卷。到你的座位上快点开始做吧。对话二:Kevin didn't show up for class because his car broke down....

Burt: Why didn't you show up for class this morning?
Kevin: I don't even want to talk about it. My car broke down.
Burt: What happened?
Kevin: The engine seems to be busted(失败的,不能启动的). It's driving me crazy!
Burt: Wow. Have you thought about getting a new car?
Kevin: Yeah, I've thought about that, but I can't afford a new car. I'm broke.
Burt: Maybe you can lease(租借,租用) a car. It doesn't cost much. I know Toyota is running a promotion.
Kevin: Really? How much is it?
Burt: Zero down and $219 per month.
Kevin: That's a good deal. I might wanna consider it.