

第1个回答  2012-03-08
Harmonious or positive student-teacher relationships have been described as relationships that are “mutually respectful and supportive.” “Open communication, as well as emotional and academic support that exists between students and teachers” is another way to describe a positive relationship between teachers and students. Positive Student-Teacher Relationships are an important component of creating a positive classroom climate. Teachers who take the time develop positive relationships with their students will see improvement in their students both academically, behaviorally, and emotionally. Students who have positive relationships with their teachers tend to put forth more effort in class and as a result improve their academic achievement. Teachers also see improvement in their student’s behavior when they take the time to develop positive relationships with their students. When teachers have positive relationships with their students, it affects the student’s behavior in relation to school. Students who perceive their teachers as highly supportive have better attendance and avoid problem behavior. These relationships benefit both the teachers and the students. They make teaching and learning much more enjoyable.
第2个回答  2012-03-08
To build a friendly relationship between teachers and students, and to become a teacher whom the students love.
The harmony and friendly teacher-student relationship can arouse the students' study initiative. The youths psychological characteristics show us that the middle school students can easily get along well with teachers . If they are well disposed towards this teacher, they will be interested in the teacher's class very much, and improve their studies significantly.
第3个回答  2012-03-08
To build a harmonious relationship between teachers and students,become the students' favorite teacher.
A harmonious relationship between teachers and students can motivate students to study positively.Psychological characteristics of teenagers tells us that our middle school students tend to close to teachers.If they are interested in a teacher,they will attach importace to that suject and make progress apparently.
第4个回答  2012-03-08