翻译一下 给分

Full Name
as to appear on check:


Your E-mail
[email protected]
Pay me Via:
Phone #
Social Security Number or Tax Payer ID
Required by IRS for U.S. residents.
Website URL
If you have a website already, type the URL here so we can get to know you better
How did you hear about Bee-Tokens
Did a sales rep contact you, if so what is their name?
Are You Human?
type in the text you see in the box

Full Name as to appear on check: 在签支票时使用的全名:
Address 地址

City 城市
State 州
Zip 邮编
Country 国家

Your E-mail 你的电邮
[email protected] (这是电邮的格式示例)
Pay me Via: 给我付款的方式:
Phone # 电话
Social Security Number or Tax Payer ID 社会保险号或纳税人号
Required by IRS for U.S. residents. IRS要求居住在美国的人必须提供。
Website URL 网址
If you have a website already, type the URL here so we can get to know you better 如果你已经有网站了,请输入网址以便我们更好地了解您
How did you hear about Bee-Tokens 您如何听说Bee-Tokens 公司的?
Did a sales rep contact you, if so what is their name? 我们的销售人员联系过您吗?如果有,他们的名字?
Are You Human? 您是真人吗?
type in the text you see in the box 键入框中文字(就是认证码,证明是真人)
第1个回答  2012-03-08
Full Name 全名

as to appear on check: 账单(或支票)上显示的:
Address 地址
City 城市
State 州
Zip 邮编
Country 国家

Your E-mail 您的电子邮箱
[email protected] (电子邮箱地址)
Pay me Via: 付款给我通过:
Phone # 电话号码
Social Security Number or Tax Payer ID 社保号 或 纳税人号
Required by IRS for U.S. residents. 美国国税局对美国居民的要求
Website URL 网站网址
If you have a website already, type the URL here so we can get to know you better
How did you hear about Bee-Tokens
您是怎么得知Bee-Tokens公司的呢 ?
Did a sales rep contact you, if so what is their name?
Are You Human?
type in the text you see in the box