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想知道 ACT 381 382 Intermediate Accounting 用的是什么教材 哪一版的 有知道的务必告之 不胜感激!

ACCT 381. Intermediate Accounting I
Financial accounting, standard-setting, and the basic financial statements. Current and long-term assets, and current liabilities. Prereq.: 3.0 GPA in ACCT 291 or 292 or permission of department.

ACCT 382. Intermediate Accounting II
Accounting theory and literature as applied to long-term liabilities, stockholders' equity, statement of cash flows, and specialized topics. Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or better fulfills the UDWR for accounting program. Prereq.: "C" or better in 381.
如果能提供PDF版本就更好了 分数不是问题

IntermediateAccounting13th Ed., with
WileyPLUS Set by Kieso, et. al, John
Wiley and Sons, 2010. (Hardback)
ISBN 9780470437261

其实第14版也有了 不过大多数学校应该还在用老版

另外回楼上的 ACCT 表示会计类 数字同时代表了难度 数字越大难度越高 所以并不简单是代码而已 更和ACT或者SAT风马牛不相及
第1个回答  2012-03-22
The fundamental nature of accounting communication embraced by a study of financial statements and reports, the form of presentation, analysis and interpretation of financial and operating statements, net income concepts, statements from incomplete records, theory and practice relating to cash flow, investment in tangible & intangible, current and non-current assets. Further emphasis on measurement of liabilities and stockholders? equity, the concept of the statement of changes in financial position, analysis of financial statements, problems with accounting changes, errors, estimates and income determination.

[Pre-requisite: ACT 202 ]
第2个回答  2012-03-22