申请外国人来华工作许可(来华工作90 日以上)需要提交哪些证明材料?


第1个回答  2019-12-19
具体可以参考当地公安局出入境管理处网站。 一般来说,所需资料包括国内公司营业执照,雇佣合同,财务资料证明,来华者护照,履历简介等资料
第2个回答  2020-05-19

The following documents are required:

1) The applicant's valid passport or other valid international travel documents (passport must be valid for no less than 6 months)

2) 2-inch bareheaded, full-faced color photo against white background

3) Applicant Form for Foreigner’s Work Permit

4) A certificate of medical examination in the past six months

5) A certificate of no criminal conviction issued from the applicant's country of origin or the country (or place) that the applicant has stayed for a long duration

6) A job contract, certificate of employment or letter of dispatch

7) A certificate of work experience relevant to the position for which the person is applying by the applicant’s former employer

8) A certificate of the highest academic degree or relevant qualification certificate obtained by the applicant

9) Relevant supporting documents of the accompanying family members

10) Other materials as may be required.

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