

试用amazon prime服务,一个月后忘记取消被扣费了。 其实就算已经扣费,还是有办法要回这79美元的,只要你在一个月试用期结束后没有再用过Amazon Prime 服务就行,如果试用期结束后又使用过,你不妨也用下面的方法找客服碰碰运气。 首先来到亚马逊的客服页面,按照下面选择好咨询的内容。点击下面的E-mail 或者 Chat。建议选择Chat,可以在线向客服咨询 Sorry to bother you but I need your kind assist. I started my amazon prime free trial a month ago, and recently found that you charged me $79 for this service. Then I realized that I forgot to cancel my prime membership but the sevice is uneconomic for me as I rarely buy things on amazon. I did not use this sevice any more after the trial period and $79 is not a small sum for me. Would you please be so kind to help me cancel my prime membership and give the money back to me? 大森林国际货代--就帮客户收回过一次。