
Ex 1
Translation the following from English to Chinese

China and Australia. What contrasts! What similarities! In your summer, we shiver in cold; in your winter, we sweat in heat. Both countries are very large in areas. While China is the most poulous country in the world, the population of Australia is only equivalent to what is added each year in China.
While Australia is geographically a heartless land with most people living on the coastal rim of the continent, China’s central area is where the population mostly concentrates.
We have very different fauna and flora. Australia is very special with marsupial animals. China has 400 different mammals and 1,200 species of birds.
Both China and Australia are very rich in natural resources. China has great abundance of coal and hydrological resources as Australia does in iron ore.
Australia has reasons to be proud of its multi-cultural society and China is a country of multi-nationality since the ancient times. Most of 56 nationalities have their own languages in use. Chinese paper currency is printed in four languages and Chinese parliament proceeds in 6 languages.
Australia is a federation formed of independent states of their own free will; China has been a unified country since 221 BC when Emperor Qin Shi-huang unified the measurement, language and standard of money.
In terms of political system, Australia is a Western democracy following the Westminster tradition; China is a people’s democracy founded on the ruins of semi-colony & semi-feudalism , and foreign yoke. While the Chinese communist party plays the leading role, 8 other parties supervise the state affairs. Our constitution stipulates China’s goal is to build a society with high degrees of civilization and democracy.
China is the world’s fastest growing economy, but it lacks sophistication in many areas; the Australia economy , though not as large as that of China, is sophisticated in many ways.
The list of comparison can go on and on. But the most important thing is that both China and Australia share a commitment to peace and development, not only in the region, but in the world as well.
It is our shared conviction we should build relations based on mutual respect, equality and mutual benefits.

( From ES 2012.01)

第1个回答  2012-02-23