七年级下册英语第四单元单词讲解(有短语、复数之类的) 还有课文讲解


1. a shop assistant 一名店员

2. a bank clerk 一个银行职员

3. work in that restaurant 在那间餐馆工作

4. want to be a / an 想成为一个……

5. work with sb. 和某人一起工作;跟某人打交道

6. give me their money 给我他们的钱

7. give sb. sth. 给某人某物

8. get their money from me 从我这儿拿到他们的钱

9. get sth. from sb./sp. 从某人/某地得到某物

10. wear a white uniform 穿着一套白色制服

11. in the day 在白天

12. TV station 电视台

13. talk to sb. 和某人说话

14. meet interesting people 见有趣的人

15. ask them questions 问他们问题

16. ask sb. sth. 问某人某事

17. work late 工作得晚

18. be very busy 非常忙

19. go out to dinners 外出用餐;出去吃饭

20. police station 警察局

21. in a hospital 在一家医院里

22. an exciting/interesting job 一个刺激/有趣的职业

23. a newspaper reporter 一个报社记者

24. work hard努力地工作

25. meet people 与人见面;结交人

26. have a job for you as a waiter 有一份做侍者的工作给你

27. summer job 暑期工

28. talk with sb. 和某人一起谈话

29. write stories 写故事

30. work for a magazine 为一份杂志工作

31. work for us as a reporter 为我们当记者工作

32. a busy but exciting job 一份忙碌却刺激的工作

33. other interesting people 其他有趣的人

34. be in the school play 在校园剧中

35. happy children school 快乐儿童学校

36. an international school for children of 5-12


37. children of …(岁数) ……岁的孩子们

38. want a P.E. teacher to teach soccer 想要个体育老师教足球

39. want sb. to do sth. 想要某人去做某事

*40. so many 很多的;如此/那么多的

*41. at the TV studio 在这间电视录音室;



1. I want to be an actor. 我想成为一名演员。

2. What does he do? 他是做什么的?

He’s a waiter. 他是个服务员。

3. What does Anna’s mother want to be? 安娜的妈妈想成为什么样的人?

She wants to be a policewoman. 她想成为一个女警察。

4. Sometimes … 有时,……

5. Where does your sister work? 你姐姐(妹妹)在哪儿工作?

*6. Dear sir or Madam, 亲爱的先生或女士,
第1个回答  2012-03-10
Unit 1

1. 假日照片:holiday photos

2. 看:look at / have a look

3. 玩球的游戏:play ball games

4. ……岁:…year(s) old

5. 老实告诉你:to tell you the truth

6. 做家务:do housework

7. 吃早餐:have breakfast

8. 吃午餐:have lunch

9. 吃晚餐:have dinner

10. 唱歌:sing a song

11. 看电视:watch TV

Unit 2

12. 生日快乐:Happy birthday!

13. 一个新的电脑游戏:a new computer game

14. 仅仅是开玩笑:only joking

15. 戴着一顶生日帽:wear a birthday hat

16. 送给她一份生日礼物:give her a birthday present

17. 送给她一张生日卡:give her a birthday card

18. 吹灭生日蜡烛:blow out the birthday candles

19. 切生日蛋糕:cut the birthday cake

20. 吃生日蛋糕:eat the birthday cake

21. 玩聚会游戏:play party games

Unit 4

22. 听收音机:listen to the radio

23. 听音乐:listen to music / play music

24. 弹吉他:play the guitar

25. 画画:paint a picture

26. 看故事书:read a story book

27. 使用电脑工作:work on the computer

28. 用电脑玩游戏:play games on the computer

29. 煮晚饭:cook the dinner

30. 玩电脑游戏:play computer games

31. 踢足球:play football

Unit 5

32. 玩得开心:have fun

33. 在那边的那个地方:out there

34. 在海里钓鱼:fish in the sea

35. 玩音乐器材:play a musical instrument

36. 做船的模型:make a model ship

37. 下棋:play chess

38. 在湖里游泳:swim in the lake

Unit 7

39. 校运会:school sports day

40. 打篮球:play basketball

41. 打乒乓球:play table tennis

42. 打羽毛球:play badminton

43. 踢足球:play football

44. 跳远:do the long jump

45. 跳高:do the high jump

46. 接过接力棒:get the baton

47. 追上,赶上:catch up

48. 努力,加油!Go for it!

49. 挥舞着午餐的盒子:wave a lunch box

50. 横穿跑道:run across the field

51. 摔倒,跌到:fall over

Unit 8

52. 运动明星:sports stars

53. 擅长于:be good at

54. 第三十六届世界乒乓球锦标赛:the 36th World Table Tennis Championships

55. 第四十三届锦标赛:the 43rd World Championships

56. 金牌:gold medals

57. 世界纪录创造者:a setter of a world record

58. 举重:weight-lifting

59. 奥林匹克竞赛:Olympic Games

60. 中国女运动员:Chinese women athletes

Unit 10

61. 一部校园戏剧:a school play

62. 校服:school uniform

63. 一个好主意:a good idea

64. 去商店:go to the shop

65. 欢迎……:welcome to…

66. 观看戏剧:watch a play

67. 欣赏音乐会:enjoy a concert

68. 看电影:see a film

69. 听录音带:listen to the tape

70. 表演一部戏剧:act out a play


71. 打开:turn on

72. 音乐节目:music programmes

73. 电视话剧:TV plays

74. 运动节目:sport programmes

75. 米老鼠和唐老鸭:Micky Mouse And Donald Duck

76. 看新闻:watch the news

77. 听新闻:listen to news

Unit 13

78. 一片土司:a piece of toast

79. 一碗米饭:a bowl of rice

80. 一瓶牛奶:a bottle of milk

81. 一杯茶:a cup of tea

82. 一碟面条:a plate of noodles

83. 一杯水:a glass of water

84. 一瓶橙汁:a bottle of orange juice

85. 一杯咖啡:a cup of coffee

86. 一袋鸡蛋:a bag of eggs

87. 一盒署条:a box of chips

88. 一箱苹果:a box of apples

Unit 14

89. 没问题:no problem

90. 炒饭:fried rice

91. 烤牛肉:roast beef

92. 煎蛋:fried eggs

93. 炒面:fried noodles

94. 白菜汤:Chinese Cabbage soup

Unit 16

95. 一千克…::a kilo of

96. 半千克:half a kilo

97. 写一份购物清单:make a shopping list
第2个回答  2012-03-04
. a shop assistant 一名店员

2. a bank clerk 一个银行职员

3. work in that restaurant 在那间餐馆工作

4. want to be a / an 想成为一个……

5. work with sb. 和某人一起工作;跟某人打交道

6. give me their money 给我他们的钱

7. give sb. sth. 给某人某物

8. get their money from me 从我这儿拿到他们的钱

9. get sth. from sb./sp. 从某人/某地得到某物

10. wear a white uniform 穿着一套白色制服

11. in the day 在白天

12. TV station 电视台

13. talk to sb. 和某人说话

14. meet interesting people 见有趣的人

15. ask them questions 问他们问题

16. ask sb. sth. 问某人某事

17. work late 工作得晚

18. be very busy 非常忙

19. go out to dinners 外出用餐;出去吃饭

20. police station 警察局

21. in a hospital 在一家医院里

22. an exciting/interesting job 一个刺激/有趣的职业

23. a newspaper reporter 一个报社记者

24. work hard努力地工作

25. meet people 与人见面;结交人

26. have a job for you as a waiter 有一份做侍者的工作给你

27. summer job 暑期工

28. talk with sb. 和某人一起谈话

29. write stories 写故事

30. work for a magazine 为一份杂志工作

31. work for us as a reporter 为我们当记者工作

32. a busy but exciting job 一份忙碌却刺激的工作

33. other interesting people 其他有趣的人

34. be in the school play 在校园剧中

35. happy children school 快乐儿童学校

36. an international school for children of 5-12


37. children of …(岁数) ……岁的孩子们

38. want a P.E. teacher to teach soccer 想要个体育老师教足球

39. want sb. to do sth. 想要某人去做某事

*40. so many 很多的;如此/那么多的

*41. at the TV studio 在这间电视录音室;
