
在当今社会,随着科技水平的不断发展,各行各业的竞争日益激烈,无论是国有企业还是民营企业,他们之间都存在着竞争,对于他们自身而言,为了在竞争中取得领先,他们会采取一系列的措施对相应的对象进行改革,不断完善自己。这些改革的对象中,最重要的就是对员工的激励。一个企业,无论规模大小,员工的作用都是无法取代的,员工的积极性是决定企业进步与否的关键。所以说企业要时刻关注员工,激励员工,提高员工们的积极性。管理者要如何激励员工呢?我认为有以下三条值得借鉴:原则之一:激励要因人而异,从实际情况看待问题 原则之二:奖惩适度 原则之三:对于所有员工要进行公平奖励。下面我具体说一下这三条:

In modern society, with the continuous development of science and technology, the competition of all the industry is increasingly fierce, whether state-owned enterprises or private enterprises, there is competition between them, on their side, in order to take leadship in the competition, they will take a series of measures to reform the corresponding objects, and constantly improve themselves. In these reform objects, the most important thing is to encourage employees' motivation.

An enterprise, whatever their size is, the role of the employee is unable to replaced, the enthusiasm of employees is the key for the progress of enterprises. So enterprises should pay more attention to the staff, motivate staff, improve the enthusiasm of the employees. How to motivate employees as a manager? I think the following three tips could be refered to:

    Incentives should vary from person to person, from the actual situation to see the problem.

    Rewards and punishments should be moderate.

    Reward all employees fairly.

I'd like to make specificcation as below for these three points:

第1个回答  2014-03-19
Nowadays,the competition among all walks of life have been intensifying.There is competition even between state-owned enterprises and the private sector.As to strengthen its competitiveness
to suceed they will adopt certain reforming measures accordingly and keep improving itself.The most important is to reform its staff -incentive system.The initiative of the staff plays a key role in
the prograss of an enterprise so they are irreplaceable ,and that rule applys to any enterprise .Thus,the enterprise should pay their attention to its staffs and inspire them to improve initiative.What the manager should do to inspire its staff?As far as i am concerned there are three
pieces of principles :first,trate each staff differently accornding to their characteristics,viewing problems from the reality.Second,rewards and punishment should be given properly.Third,rewarding every staff fairly. Then I will talk about theose principles comprehensively.
第2个回答  2014-03-19
In today's society, with the continuous development of science and technology level, the competition is increasingly fierce in all walks of life, whether state-owned enterprises or private enterprises, there is competition between them, for their own, in order to take the lead in the competition, they will take a series of measures to reform the corresponding object, and constantly improve themselves. These reform object, the most important thing is to employee motivation. An enterprise, regardless of the size, the role of the employee is unable to replace, the enthusiasm of employees is the key to the decision enterprise progress or not. So enterprises should focus on the staff, motivate staff, improve the enthusiasm of the employees. Managers how to motivate employees? I think is has the following three: one of the principles: incentives to vary from person to person, from the actual situation about the problem principle # 2: the rewards and punishments moderate principle # 3: to be fair to reward for all employees. I say with specific below these three:
第3个回答  2014-03-19
In today's society, with the continuous development of scientific and technological level, the increasingly fierce competition in all walks of life, whether it is state-owned enterprises or private enterprises, there is a competition between them, for their own, in order to get ahead of the competition, they will take a series of measures to reform the corresponding object, and constantly improve themselves. Object of these reforms, the most important thing is to motivate employees. A business, regardless of size, the role of the staff are not replaced, employee motivation is the key to determine whether or not the enterprise and progress. So enterprises should always pay attention to employees, motivate staff, improve staff motivation. How managers to motivate employees? I think it is worth learning the following three: One of the principles: incentives to vary, from a practical view of the principle of the problem: the principle of reward and punishment of three moderate: For all employees to conduct fair reward. Here I specifically talk about these three:撤消修改Cancel