
1、Examples of people who missed out on good opportunities are everywhere,and when it is too late,they regret missing their chance to have been of service是什么意思?这里的of service如何解释??
2、One good deed can awaken us to new and greater opportunities to help those around us.为什么这里要用awaken而不是wake
3、This will save you from mistake.为什么这里用save而不是prevent??


1. 句意:人们错失良机的例子遍地都是。而且等到错过之后,他们开始后悔本来可以派上用场的机会。

of service: 在此意为“有用的,用帮助的,可以用的上的”,另有“服务的”之意。

例:1) If I can be of service, do not hesitate to call on me.
有用得着我的地方, 尽管来找我。
2) The quality of service in this restaurant has improved a lot.

2. awaken: 使...醒来, 使...恢复意识,唤醒

3. save和prevent用在这里语法上都没有问题。句意上差别也不大。很难说清为什么不用prevent,估计要看文章行文风格. 可能还是save显得形象一些吧,“救”,而不是“防止”。
第1个回答  2009-12-30
1, be of service means useful to you,to you good.
2, wake is wake someone up from dream, awaken means wake you up from bad situation, it usually precedes positive changes.
3, you mke a mistake , you will lose something. here, it save you from making that mistake.