
我是一名商务英语专业的学生。在即将毕业的这几个月里,我主要负责的工作内容是办公室文秘。在这一过程中,我采用了看、问、学等方式,初步了解了公司文秘工作中的具体业务知识,拓展了所学的专业知识。为以后正常工作的展开奠定了坚实的基础,从个人发展方面说,对我影响最大的应该是作为一个社会人工作作风以及在工作过程中专业知识对工作的重要作用,因为这些都是我在校学习中不曾接触过的方面,所以我将在报告中首先讲述我在实习期间积累的这方面的认识和经验。 毕业实习是每个大学生必须拥有的一段经历,它使我们在实践中了解社会,让我们学到了很多在课堂上根本就学不到的知识,受益匪浅,也打开了视野,增长了见识,为我们以后进一步走向社会打下坚实的基础。由于我所在的公司是北京驻乌的一个办事处,是一家私企,所以我刚开始的工作并不忙,没有感觉到很累。只是每天都要守在电话和传真机旁。很耗时间,第一天就因为坐了一天腰酸背痛的。但是过了几天就稍有点习惯了,每天向我同一个办公室的女孩学习一些办公知识。刚步入工作岗位,才发现自己有很多都不懂的。现在在办公室,有闲的时候就会看一些会计方面的书,虽然自己所学的专业在此时没有派上什么用场,但我觉得应该多学点,有几个技能在以后找工作也可以给自己我几个选择。我现在上班近两个月了,在这短短一个多朋中,曾有几次想过干完一个月不干了。也许我是刚开始工作,有时受不了经理给的“气”, 自己心里很不舒服,就想辞职再重新换个工作得了。但静下心来仔细想想,再换个工作也是的,在别人手底下工作不都是这样么?刚开始。就应该踏踏实实的干好自己的工作,毕竟又没有工作经验,现在有机会了就要从各方面锻炼自己。不然,想念以后干什么都会干不好的。我现在的工作,相比其他人来说待遇挺不错的了,也不是和其他人比,工作也不是很难,很容易进入工作,关键是学习对人怎么说话、态度及其处事。由于经验少,我现在这方面还有欠缺。现在才明白,在校做一名学生,是多么的好啊!早晚要工作,早晚要步入社会,早晚要面对这些避免不了的事。所以,现在我很珍惜学习的机会,多学一点总比没有学的好,花同样的时间,还不如多学,对以后择业会有很大的帮助。 再说回来,在工作中,互相谅解使我很感激他们。有时同事有事要晚来一点,就要我一个人在办公室办公,偶尔我也会的,大家相处的很好,没有什么隔合。有几次要回学校办点事,去向经理请几小时的假,经理也都很体谅,直接就给批假了。这个时候心里很开心;遇到一个如此好说话的经理。所以,感觉现在的工作还是挺不错的,最重要的事就是周围的同事都很不错的。心里上没有什么额外的,不必要的压力,可以好好工作,学习。先就业,后择业。我现在要好好锻炼自己。再好好学习,之后相信自己通过努力一定会找个好工作来回报父母及其所有的老师的。别的没有什么奢求的,现在当然是把磨练自己放在第一位,更何况现在的待遇还不错。在这一个多月中,我学到了一些在学校学不到的东西,即使都明白的事,可是刚开始有时还做不好。现在做事,不仅要持有需心求教的态度,还要懂得取长补短,最重要的一点就是“忍”了也就是坚持不懈。现在,我工作的时间虽然不久,可是我发现自己真的变了点,会比以前为人处事了。

I am a business English major students. In the graduate from this a few months, I mainly responsible for the content of the work is the office secretary. In this process, I used the look, ask, learning methods, a preliminary understanding of the company secretarial work in the specific business knowledge, expand the knowledge of professional knowledge. After the campaign for normal laid a solid foundation, from personal development, said the biggest influence me should be as a society people work style and the work process of professional knowledge of the important role, because these are I study at school not in contact, so I will report about my first internship in the accumulation of the knowledge and experience. Graduation practice is every college students must have an experience, it makes us about society in practice, let we learned a lot in the classroom will not learn knowledge, basic benefit, also open the vision, grew experience for our further to society after lay a solid foundation. Because of my company is in the Beijing a office, is a private enterprise, so I started work is not busy, not feeling very tired. Just to keep every day on the phone and the fax machine. Very time consuming, first day as a day of sat backache backache. But after a few days, a slight points to me every day habit of the same office girl learning some office knowledge. Just into jobs, just discover oneself have a lot of all don't understand. Now in the office, the leisure time will see some the accounting books, although their own major at this time never sent on what possible use, but I think should learn more, a few skills in a job later can also give yourself some of my choice. I now work nearly two months, in this short period of more than a friends, have a few times to finish a month quit. Maybe I'm just began the work, sometimes can't stand the manager to "gas", his heart is very uncomfortable, I like to change a job again got. But settled down to think carefully, then a change is also, in other ShouDeXia work is not the way? Just beginning. Should be steadfast do my work, after all, was not working experience, now have a chance to exercise their from all sides. Otherwise, miss do after the personal will. I now work, compared to other people's good treatment, also not be to and others, and the work might not be very difficult than, it is easy to enter the work, the key is to learn how to speak, attitude and disposition of business. Because of that experience less, I at this and deficient. Now just understand, school do a student, is how good! Sooner or later, sooner or later work to enter the society, sooner or later on in the face of these can't avoid. So, now I cherish the opportunity to learn and learn more about the than did not learn of good, to spend the same time than to learn, for future employment will have a lot of help. Besides back, in the work, the mutual understanding that I am very grateful they. Sometimes colleagues have something to a little late, will I a person in the office, occasionally, you get along well, no convergence. A few minor back to school do something, went to the manager to please a few hours of false, manager are also very considerate, directly will give batch of false. When the heart is very happy; Meet such a good manager. So, the feeling of work or pretty good now, the most important thing is the colleagues around are good. No additional in the heart, unnecessary pressure, can work well, and study. Employment first, selection. I will now take exercise oneself. Good good study, and again after his efforts will believe that by finding a good job to return the parents and its all the teachers. Other nothing crave, now of course is to hone their in the first place, and what's more, now of the treatment is good. In this month, I learned some learn at school, even if what we can't understand, but just began to sometimes can't do it well. Now, not only to do things to the attitude of the heart for advice on hold, but must understand that complement each other, the most important thing is that the "endure" also is perseverance. Now, I work time although soon, but I find that I get really point, than before people doing things.
第1个回答  2011-09-01
I'm a business english students. in the coming of the few months, i was responsible for the job of secretary of the office. in this process, i adopted it, asked, and begin to see the company secretarial work in specific professional knowledge, extend the professional knowledge. for future work of laying a solid foundation, and personal development, i am most should be as a society people style of work and working processes
第2个回答  2011-09-07
I am a business English majority students. In the graduate from this a few months, my mainly responsible for the content of the work is the office secretary. In this process, I used the look, ask, learning methods, a preliminary understanding of the company secretarial work in the specific business knowledge, expand the knowledge of professional knowledge. After the campaign for normal laid a solid foundation, from personal development, said the biggest influence me should be as a society people work style and the work process of professional knowledge of the important role, because these are my study at school not in contact, so I will report about my first internship in the accumulation of the knowledge and experience. Graduation practice is every college students must have an experience, it makes us about society in practice, let we learned a lot in the classroom will not learn knowledge, basic benefit, also open the vision, grew experience for our further to society after lay a solid foundation. Because of my company is in the Beijing an office, is a private enterprise, so I started to work is not busy, not feeling very tired. Just to keep every day on the phone and the fax machine. Very time consuming, first day as a day of sat backache backache. But after a few days, a slight point to me every day habit of the same office girl learning some office knowledge. Just into jobs, just discover oneself have a lot of all don't understand. Now in the office, the leisure time will see some the accounting books, although their own major at this time never sent on what possible use, but I think should learn more, a few skills in a job later can also give yourself some of my choice. I now work nearly two months, in this short period of more than a friends, have a few times to finish a month quit. Maybe I'm just began the work, sometimes can't stand the manager of "gas", his heart is very uncomfortable, I like to change a job again got. But settled down to think carefully, then a change is also, in other ShouDeXia work is not the way? Just beginning. Should be steadfast do my work, after all, was not working experience, now have a chance to exercise their from all sides. Otherwise, miss doing after the personal will. I now work, compared to other people's good treatment, also not be to and others, and the work might not be very difficult than, it is easy to enter the work, the key is to learn how to speak, attitude and disposition of business. Because of that experience less, I at this and deficient. Now just understand, school does a student, is how good! Sooner or later, sooner or later work to enter the society, sooner or later on in the face of these can't avoid. So, now I cherish the opportunity to learn and learn more about the then did not learn of good, to spend the same time than to learn, for future employment will have a lot of help. Besides back, in the work, the mutual understanding that I am very grateful to them. Sometimes colleagues have something to a little late, will I a person in the office, occasionally, you get along well, no convergence. A few minor back to school do something, went to the manager to please a few hours of false, manager are also very considerate, directly will give batch of false. When the heart is very happy; Meet such a good manager. So, the feeling of work or pretty good now, the most important thing is the colleagues around are good. No additional in the heart, unnecessary pressure, can work well, and study. Employment first, selection. I will now take exercise oneself. The goodness good study, and again after his efforts will believe that by finding a good job to return the parents and its all the teachers. Other nothing crave, now of course is to hone them in the first place, and what's more, now of the treatment is good. In this month, I learned some learn at school, even if what we can't understand, but just began to sometimes can't do it well. Now, not only to do things to the attitude of the heart for advice on hold, but must understand that complements each other, the most important thing is that the "endure" also is perseverance. Now, I work time although soon, but I find that I get really point, than before people doing things.
第3个回答  2011-08-30