


First of all I have to say under the school uniform meaning: "schools require students to wear school uniform meaning: First, let every student is in school is an equal, whether rich or poor, which the students Growth is beneficial; The second is to wear school uniforms for their students to have a position, whether in school or out-of-school, as will a student And he is a constraint, which is very meaningful education students; Third, to avoid A parison beeen the students; Fourth, the students put an end to the Outrageous outfits, the right to form aesthetics. "We all wear uniforms



I think it necessary for student to wear the same school uniforms.Firstly,wearing the school uniform is able to make students have a good attitude towards study life.In addition,in order to attract others' attention,students will spend more money to purcher beautiful clothes,which will bring parents heavy burtden .What's worse,schools can't form a perfect eniveroment.As is the saying goes, every coin has o sides.We must recognize thenegative and positive effects of wearing school uniform.


I agree that students should wear school uniforms at school. Firstly, they make students feel proud of their schools. they can even make students study much harder. Secondly, school uniforms are cheaper than casual clothes, it can save students' money. Besides, students don't have to waste time to think what they should wear every day except weekends. And the most important is that people can see the unity of a school and its good atmosphere.I don't want to wear school uniforms,because the school uniform is ugly , the color is simple, and it is designed terribly, it can not embody students' individual character. So I think that people should improve the quality of the school uniforms so that students would like to wear them.穿校服的利与弊(Advantages and Disadvantages of Wearing school uniforms)Wearing school uniforms has both advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, it make students feel proud of their schools. In addition, it builds a mon spirit of unity among students. Furthermore, it reminds students of the value and history of their school. However, some students dislike them because of their simple colors, boring designs and bad quality. So I think that people should improve the quality of the school uniforms.


【英语作文】 First of all I have to say under the school uniform meaning: "schools require students to wear school uniform meaning: First, let every student is in school is an equal, whether rich or poor, which the students Growth is beneficial; The second is to wear school uniforms for their students to have a position, whether in school or out-of-school, as will a student And he is a constraint, which is very meaningful education students; Third, to avoid A parison beeen the students; Fourth, the students put an end to the Outrageous outfits, the right to form aesthetics. "We all wear uniforms 【中文翻译】首先我要说下校服的含义:“学校要求学生统一穿校服的意义:一是可以让每一个学生感到在学校里都是平等的一员,不管是富有的,还是贫困的,这对学生的成长是有利的;二是穿上校服学生对自己有一个定位,不管是在校内,还是在校外,都会因为自己是一名学生而有一种约束,这对学生的教育很有意义;三是避免了学生之间的相互攀比;四是杜绝学生的奇装异服,形成正确的审美观。



Advantages and disadvantages of having school uniform Some people think that students should wear school uniform.Because it can not only save students'money but also reduce the psychological parisons which can make a difference among the students.Besides,students don't have to waste time to think what they should wear everyday except weekends.And the most important is that people can see the unity of a school and its good atmosphere.However,some people don't think so.For they think that the school uniform is ugly and can not embody students'individual character.Besides,the material of the school uniform is bad which is harmful to students'health.

关于校服的初二英语作文 速度

In our school,we must wear school uniform.But all the students thinks that we should wear our cloths.And the school uniforms are ugly too.In my view,if we wear our favorite cloths,we will study harder and harder!Or let us design our own school uniforms.I think if we do that,the school uniform will be more and more beautiful!So,I hope we can wear our own clothes.因为考虑到是初二的,所以几乎没有新单词、。


英语作文】 First of all I have to say under the school uniform meaning: "schools require students to wear school uniform meaning: First, let every student is in school is an equal, whether rich or poor, which the students Growth is beneficial; The second is to wear school uniforms for their students to have a position, whether in school or out-of-school, as will a student And he is a constraint, which is very meaningful education students; Third, to avoid A parison beeen the students; Fourth, the students put an end to the Outrageous outfits, the right to form aesthetics. "We all wear uniforms 【中文翻译】首先我要说下校服的含义:“学校要求学生统一穿校服的意义:一是可以让每一个学生感到在学校里都是平等的一员,不管是富有的,还是贫困的,这对学生的成长是有利的;二是穿上校服学生对自己有一个定位,不管是在校内,还是在校外,都会因为自己是一名学生而有一种约束,这对学生的教育很有意义;三是避免了学生之间的相互攀比;四是杜绝学生的奇装异服,形成正确的审美观。



Some people think that students should not wear school uniform.For they think that the school uniform is ugly and can not embody students'individual character.Besides,the material of the school uniform is bad which is harmful to students'health.一些人认为学生不应该穿校服。



穿校服的好处 英语作文



The benefits of wearing a school uniform. First of all, to avoid petition, the students fall beeen the individual and the parison beeen schools, families living conditions of children in different psychological balance; Second, there is the function of education, training students to wear school uniforms would be a good sense of teamwork and collective sense of honor In behavior will naturally ask the students themselves; Third, protection, to wear school uniforms to facilitate supervision by society, such as random access is not easy to place video games, bars and so on; also, in accordance with school uniform requirements, the amount of cotton fabrics with Not be less than 35%, breathable and fortable to wear will be beneficial to the health of students.


I think it necessary for student to wear the same school uniforms.Firstly,wearing the school uniform is able to make students have a good attitude towards study life.In addition,in order to attract others' attention,students will spend more money to purcher beautiful clothes,which will bring parents heavy burtden .What's worse,schools can't form a perfect eniveroment.As is the saying goes,every coin has o sides.We must recognize thenegative and positive effects of wearing school uniform....

The school does require students to wear uniforms and school. But because just opening soon, high freshman only a summer uniforms. In the change of circumstances, the school specifically for teachers in the inspection of appearance, to a new high 'to give the wrongdoer a way out', as long as the orientation, can not wear uniforms.

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第1个回答  2023-06-09
School Uniform: To Wear or Not to Wear

In some countries, it is common for students to wear school uniforms. The uniforms usually consist of a specific dress code, which students must adhere to. In other countries, however, school uniforms are not required. Each side has its own arguments for and against the use of school uniforms.

Those who argue in favor of school uniforms claim that they can boost school spirit, create a sense of community among students, and decrease bullying. When everyone is dressed the same, there are no indications of wealth or lack thereof, which can create tension between students who come from different social classes. Furthermore, the elimination of the “what to wear” question saves time in the morning and makes the morning routine easier.

On the other hand, those who believe school uniforms should be optional argue that they limit students’ self-expression, individuality, and creativity. They also argue that it can create a strain on families who may not be able to afford school uniforms, putting extra financial stress on those families already struggling. They also suggest that school uniforms do not necessarily solve bullying problems and that children who bully will do so regardless of what their victims are wearing.

In my opinion, wearing school uniforms should be optional. While I understand that there may be some benefits in implementing a school uniform, such as encouraging a sense of community and school spirit, it should not come at the cost of limiting students’ individuality or putting financial strain on families. Every student should have the ability to express themselves for who they are and should not be forced to conform to a certain style or dress code.

In conclusion, while there are valid arguments for both sides of the debate, ultimately the choice of whether or not to require school uniforms should be left to individual schools and school districts. They should consider the pros and cons and decide according to what they feel would benefit their students the most.