
前面是一条马路,街上有很多车,当我过完马路后,发现小男孩不在我身边,于是就转头看,突然一辆汽车冲向小男孩,"碰"小男孩被撞倒在地上,我赶紧跑过去,他的脑袋在流血,可汽车逃走了,我马上拿出笔,把汽车的牌号记了下来,于是我就喊"来人啊,来人啊".街上的行人见了就拨打了120和122,过了一会儿,交警和医生都来了,医生把小男孩抬上救护车,送去医院了,交警让我留下,向我了解一些情况,他问我"逃逸的车是什么车牌号?什么车?我说;"车牌号是 赣B555,黑色的车''他说;"谢谢你,小学生,你做的很对"

第1个回答  2007-10-21
Ahead is a road, there are many cars the street, when I had End road and found the little boy is not my side, then on the old, a car suddenly rushed into the little boy, "touch" the little boy was knocked down on the ground, I quickly ran past, his head in bloody, car fled, I immediately take pen, the car brands in mind down, so I she would cry "from ah, from ah." pedestrian met on the street Call 120 and 122, A little while later, traffic police and doctors had arrived, the little boy carried a doctor to ambulances sent to a hospital, the traffic police let me stay to my understanding some cases, he asked me "What is the escape car, license plate? what car? I said; "plates, is Gan B555, black cars''he said;" Thank you, students, you do very "
第2个回答  2007-10-21
Ahead is a road, there are many cars the street, when I had End road and found the little boy is not my side, then on the old, a car suddenly rushed into the little boy, "touch" the little boy was knocked down on the ground, I quickly ran past, his head in bloody, car fled, I immediately take pen, the car brands in mind down, so I she would cry "from ah, from ah." pedestrian met on the street Call 120 and 122, A little while later, traffic police and doctors had arrived, the little boy carried a doctor to ambulances sent to a hospital, the traffic police let me stay to my understanding some cases, he asked me "What is the escape car, license plate? what car? I said; "plates, is Gan B555, black cars''he said;" Thank you, students, youhave done well "本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2007-10-21
It was a street full of traveling vehicles ahead of me. After crossing it and standing safely on the other side, I found the little boy was not by my side. I turned back just to find a car rushing to him, all of a sudden, “Bang!” He was hit by the car and collapsed. I ran to him on the double, his head was still bleeding but the car had escaped already. I quickly got my pen in hand and copied down the number of the car, and then I started to call for help. As soon as the pedestrians saw the scene, they called 120 and 122. After a while, police and ambulance all came. The doctors carefully carried the boy onto the ambulance and sent him to the hospital. The police asked me to help them with the details of the accident. He asked me about the number of the escaping car. I told him that was GAN B555, a black one. He said, “Thank you, pupil. You’ve done the right thing~”
第4个回答  2007-10-21
楼上的翻译 劝楼主不要用 那什么 根本就是翻译软件里出来的一次性物
第5个回答  2007-10-21
你们都这样讲 那就不强了。。。。