速求 中国各地春节习俗的中英文对照!!!


  “Dust” is homophonic with “chen”(尘)in Chinese, which means old and past. In this way, “sweeping the dust” before the Spring Festival means a thorough cleaning of houses to sweep away bad luck in the past year. This custom shows a good wish of putting away old things to welcome a new life. In a word, just before the Spring Festival comes, every household will give a thorough cleaning to bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new.
  金童玉女 Golden Boy and Jade Maiden
  When the Spring Festival comes, pictures featuring the combination of a golden boy and a jade maiden, both of who are
  usually seen dressed in traditional Chinese clothes, can often be found on the doors of common households.
  Characterized with red round faces and bright sweet smiles, the two figures are considered as good omens that are
  capable of bringing fortune and happiness for the whole family all year round.
第1个回答  2021-02-27