
The bluebird of happiness ,or whatever ,had always fluttered just out of reach



有2种说法:(1),青鸟即【幸福】的象征 也称鸾,有青鸟地来到,年轻的恋人就会终成眷属

(2),6幕梦幻剧《青鸟》是梅特林克的代表作 ,通过两个小兄妹寻找象征幸福的青鸟的经历 , 暗示只有试着把幸福给别人,我们才会得到幸福。梅特林克(1862~1949)
Maeterlinck,Maurice 比利时剧作家,诗人,散文家。用法文写作。1911年,梅特林克获得诺贝尔文学奖。



the Bluebird of Happiness

The mythology of the bluebird has deep roots that goes back to thousands of years. Indigenous cultures across the globe hold similar myths and beliefs about the bluebird. It is the most universally accepted symbol of cheerfulness, happiness, prosperity, hearth and home, good health, new births, the renewal of springtime, etc. Virtually any positive sentiments may be attached to the bluebird.

In magical symbology, bluebirds are used to represent confidence in the positive aspect and egotism in the negative. A dead bluebird is a symbol of disillusionment, of the loss of innocence, and of transformation from the younger and naive to the older and wiser.

Many Native American tribes considered the bluebird sacred.

According to the Cochiti tribe, the firstborn son of Sun was named Bluebird. In the tale "The Sun's Children" from Tales of the Cochiti Indians (1932) by Ruth Benedict: "She nursed him until the Sun father came back. Sun returned to the girl, and the girl offered the child to him, saying, 'Here is your baby. It is a little boy.' They named him Bluebird (Culutiwa)."

The Navajo hold the Mountain Bluebird to be a great spirit in animal form and associate it with the rising sun. The Bluebird Song is sung to remind tribe members to wake at dawn and rise to greet the sun:

Bluebird said to me,

Get up, my grandchild.

It is dawn, it said to me.

The Bluebird Song is still used in social settings and is also performed in the nine-day Ye'iibicheii winter Nightway ceremony. It is the most revered song, as well as the closing act, performed just before sunrise on the final day.

A popular song by Jan Peerce and Art Mooney and His Orchestra titled Bluebird of Happiness was recorded in 1948 and introduced at the Radio City Music Hall.

Based on the popularity of the phrase "the bluebird of happiness", Terra Studios of Fayetteville, Arkansas has mass produced a small blue crystal figurine of a stylized Eastern Bluebird. This figurine is recognized and well-loved throughout the state of Arkansas. In fact, when Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife made a visit to the United States, they were presented with a pair of the bluebirds.

Bluebird mythology in Europe is noted in a fairy tale called L'Oiseau Bleu (The Blue Bird) by Madame d'Aulnoy (1650-1705). This seems to be the root source of most modern accounts of bluebird symbology and myth.[citation needed] In this tale, King Charming is transformed into a bluebird, who is the love interest of the younger princess Fiordelisa and aids her through her trials.

The Blue Bird was made into a 1908 stage play by Maurice Maeterlinck and into several films throughout the 20th century, including the 1940 original starring Shirley Temple. The story begins with two child heroes, Tyltyl and Mytyl, whom are sent out by the fairy Bérylune into various lands to search for the Bluebird of Happiness. Returning home empty-handed, the children see that the bird has been in a cage in their home the whole time. Tyltyl later gives the bird as a present to a sick neighbor. However, the bird flies away and never returns. The moral is that happiness comes more from the journey than the reward and that happiness is fleeting.

A mythological Korean bluebird has similar symbolic meanings. Yet the bird also operates as a kind of metaphysical operative for the gods by flitting around and spying on the activities of mortals. This is reflected in the English colloquialism "A little bird told me."

第1个回答  2007-10-08
出自The rest of the story.
By Paul Aurandt

幸福的青鸟, 总是舞动着它的翅膀, 在不能触及的地方.
