唔 我过几天要去空乘面试 希望大家把自我介绍翻译成英文阿

尊敬的各位评委老师 大家好 我是来自山东省潍坊市的一名考生。我的名字叫XXX,身高172,体重48公斤,今年刚满十七周岁,从学习这个专业到现在,我付出了很多。可是我相信,只要有付出 就会有收获。不管黑夜多么漫长,不管道路多么崎岖,只要我的心中坚持着这个梦想就一定会迎来一片最美的曙光。也希望各位评委老师能给我这个机会。谢谢。

目前就十五分了。哪位好心人给我翻译一下 我会追分的阿 跪求。

Hello everyone I am coming from Shandong province Weifang city is a candidate. My name is XXX, height 172, weight 48 kg, firm this year full seventeen one full year of life, from learning the professional to now, I have done a lot. But I believe, as long as there will be a harvest. No matter how long night, no matter how bumpy the road, as long as my heart hold this dream will usher in a most beautiful dawn. The judges also hope that teachers can give me this opportunity. Thank you.
第1个回答  2012-01-27
Hello, Distinguished judges .I come from Weifang City, Shandong Province, a candidate. My name is XXX, height 172, weight 48 kg, this just turned seventeen years old, from learning the profession to the present, I paid a lot. However, I believe, will have to pay as long as the harvest. No matter how long the night, no matter how rough the road, as long as my heart will certainly insist on this dream will usher in a beautiful dawn. Teachers also hope that the judges can give me this opportunity. Thank you.
第2个回答  2012-01-27
Hello, everyone. I come from Weifang City, Shandong Province, a candidate. My name is XXX, height 172, weight 48 kg, this just turned seventeen years old, from learning the profession to the present, I paid a lot. However, I believe, will have to pay as long as the harvest. No matter how long the night, no matter how rough the road, as long as my heart will certainly insist on this dream will usher in a beautiful dawn. Teachers also hope that the judges can give me this opportunity. Thank you.
第3个回答  2021-03-27
尊敬的各位考官你们好 我是七号考生 今年十七岁 体重55公斤 谢谢本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2012-01-29
zxc xzczxczxc
