

In recent years, with the development of industries and agriculture and the population growth in China, the annual volume of wastewater discharge keep increasing, leading to a trend of general deterioration of the water environment in China. As the industrial pollution in China greatly impacts the production in agriculture, it has become a potential threat to the latter and has resulted in consequences. The rural area has a large scattered population without related facilities to collect and treat wastewater. As a result, wastewater is mostly unprocessed there, causing serious water pollution in rural villages and towns. The water environment there continues to deteriorate, and the situation of controlling water pollution has become very serious. However, traditional wastewater treatment in "reinforced concrete constructions" demands huge investment, complex process management and high technological level. It is difficult to implement in villages and towns with weaker economic base and lower technological level. Consequently, to reduce cost and to raise efficiency of wastewater treatment, people have to seek innovative alternative technologies and to take the new route of sewage reclamation. Among various wastewater treatment technologies, the wastewater land treatment system is characterized by low operation cost, little equipment, simple management, stable treatment effect, easy on-spot reuse, etc. It is very suitable for use by the vast rural areas of China. 诚意人工翻译,请放心使用。
第1个回答  2013-11-20
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第2个回答  2013-11-20