9B U2 reading 的翻译


第1个回答  2014-02-07
江先生是第一个在阳光小镇拥有机器人的人。机器人在许多方面很大地改变了他的生活。有些改变是好的,但也有些是不好的。 、
原文:Mr jiang is the first person in sunshine town to own a robot.The robat changed his life a lot in many ways.Some changes were good, but some were not.
Mr jiang is a salesman and works in moonlighttown .He is always busy and has little time for his hobbies. In order to have more spare time,I need to buy a robot,Mr jiang taught.latter,he bought one form a robot shop.
The robot made a great difference to Mr jiang's everyday life. It made things much easier. When he got up in the morning, breakfast was already made. The robot also ironed Mr jiang's shirts an made a lunch box for him everyday. As a result, Mr jiang no longer beeded to get up early to do the housework, and he could stay in bed for an extra hour everyday.
While Mr jiang was atwork,the robot would clean his flat. It would do the laaundry,wash the dishes,sweep the floor,make the bed and air the rooms.The robot also went shopping at the supermarket.
When Mr jiang returned home from work,his flat would be clean and look as good as new. A delicious dinner would be ready for him on the table. After dinner,the robot would wash the dishes,while Mr jiang relaxed and watched his favourite TVprogrammes.Mr jiang was every happy with his robot.
A few weeks later,however,things started to go wrong.The robot caught a virus and caused a lot of problems.It no longer knew when it should cook breakfast,and sometimes it woke Mr jiang up at four o'clock in the morning. Sometimes,Mr jiang would find his breakfast in the washing machine and his clean shirts in the dustbin. While Mr jiang was at work,the robot would move around the houseand knock things over. WhenMr jiang got home,he would find his flatin a mess:foodwas on the bed,books were in the ricecooker,morrors were broken,and coins were spared all over the floor.Mr jiang did not know what he should do with the robot.
In the end, Mr jiang decided to return the robot to the robot shop. The robot was just too much trouble
第2个回答  2013-11-07
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