
1、"there is no getting over the difficulties" 这句话是什么意思?
2、"It seems that she was there at the conference"的意思和
She seems to have been there at the conference.
She seemed to be there at the conference.
3、It was _______ we had hoped.
为什么答案是 as much of a success as 而不能选 more a success than
4、I went there in 1984,and that was the only occassion when I ______ the journey in exactly two days.
为什么答案是was able to make 而不能选 could make
5、I apologize if I _____ you,but I promise that it was not on purpose.
为什么答案是 had offended 而不是 have offended

There is no getting over the difficulty. 这困难无法克服。
There is no doing结构:
如:There's no denying the fact. 这一事实不容否认。
There is no knowing what he will do next. 无法知道他下一步要干什么。
There was no telling when she would be back. 没法知道她什么时候回来。

It seems that she was there at the conference,It seems that she was there at the conference,She seemed to be there at the conference.我认为这三种表达方式都是可以的,都表示过去她似乎在这儿出席了会议。但我个人感觉前两种见得多一些。

It was as much of a success as we had hoped.
这种说法可能有些生僻。例如: He read as many of the books as he could. 这里的many 是代词,而不是形容词,否则就是:He read as many books as he could.
这里的much of a success就相当于successful,这样好理解一些。

can 和be able to 都可以表示能力。
举个例子具体分析两者的区别。不能说:All the people could escape from the big fire in time. 只能说:All the people were able to escape from the fire in time.因为be able to用来表示具体能做某件事的能力,并且这个动作已经完成了;而can泛指一般的能力,只表示能做什么,没有已经完成的内在含义。这题表示我已经完成2天结束旅程的经历。

but分句中表示动作发生在过去,所以在if引导的虚拟句中用过去完成时had done。
