
急!!寻一篇英语作文,以下是要求: 1、李老师是一个工作狂 2、对我们非常关心 3、我们跟她相处很融洽 4、我英语不行,曾有一次课堂上看与学习无关的书 5,她碰巧发现此事 6、他找我面对面的谈心 7、为了让我喜欢上英语,她不厌其烦的告诉我如何学好英语 8、她鼓励我用英语写日记记下所见所闻 9、我不在害怕英语

1.李老师是个工作狂。be crazy about
2.她对我们学生很关心。be concerned about
3.我们跟她相处非常融洽。get alone well with
4.我英语不好,曾有一次在课堂上看与学习无关的书。once 、 have nothing to do with
5.她碰巧发现了此事。happen to do
6.她找我面对面地贪心。face to face 、 talk with sb.
7.为了让我喜欢上英语,她不厌其烦地教我如何写好英语。in order to 、 fall in love with 、 never get tired of
8.她鼓励我写日记,把所见所闻记下来。keep a diary
9.我不再害怕英语。no longer

1. Miss. Li is crazy about her work.
2. She is concerned about us students.
3. We are getting along well with each other.
4. I am not good at English. Once, I read a book which had nothing to do with study.
5. She happened to see this.
6. She talked with me face to face.
7. In order to make me fall in love with English, she never gets tired of teaching me how to write English well.
8. She encourages me to keep a diary writing down what I see and hear.
9. I am no longer afraid of English.
第1个回答  2011-09-23
Mrs. Li is a workaholic, she cares for us alot. We are very close to her. I've never been good at English. So one time, I was reading a book that was irrelevent to the topic that we were disscusing in class and she caught me. She talked to me face to face in her office. In order to make me like to study English, she told me all the techniques on how to get better at English. She encouraged me to write down in English all the interesting things I experience everyday in my journal. Because of her, I am no longer afraid of English.
第2个回答  2011-09-22
就照着这个流程 写一篇中文作文 有道翻译一下就ok了 检查一遍 把翻译出来的个别单词改成书面用语就行了追问



Miss Li is a workaholic, for we are very concerned at ordinary times. While we get on well with her my English is not good. Have a class see to have nothing to do with study book, she happened to find it, and then she found me to talk face to face. In order to let I like English, she bothered to tell me how to learn English well. She encouraged me to keep a diary in English, and write down what by Mr Li guidance I now is not afraid of English

文中 为女性人称

第3个回答  2011-09-23
第4个回答  2011-09-22
My 14th birthday When my 14th birthday came,I felt not happy anyway. Because my parents didn
第5个回答  2011-09-23
Miss Li is a hard working English teacher than others. She is very care about our study and life and we like her very much. Once a time, I read a book without our English study and by chance she found what I have done in the class. After the class, she talk about the problem with me in amiableness and make me know what I have done is wrong. In order to make me like English, she tells me patiently that how to learn English well. She enourage me to keep a dirary and write down what I have seen and listened by English. Now I like English very much.