
1.被车撞到时那个女孩正在做什么? (when)
2.那个老师花了整个周末评孩子们的试卷。 (grade)
3.林小姐来到图书馆为她的论文搜集信息。 (collect)
4.他总是乐于帮助同学们复习功课。 (be ready to)
5.男孩子比女孩子更喜欢踢足球。 (fond)
6.许多公司都苦于缺乏熟练工人。 (suffer)
7.炸弹在挤满人群的大街上爆炸了。 (go off)

1. what was the girl doing when she was hit by the car?
2. The teacher spent a whole weekend grading the children's paper.
3. Miss Lin came to the library to collect information for her paper.
4. He is always ready to help his classmates review lessons.
5. Boys are more fond of playing football than girls.
6. A lot of companies are suffering from shortage of skilled workers.
7. The bomb went off in the crowded street.
第1个回答  2011-10-02
1 What was the girl doing when she got hit by the car?
2. The teacher spent the whole weekend grading the kids' papers.
3. Ms Lin came to the library to collect information for her article.
4. He is always ready to help his classmates with their homework.
5. Boys are more fond of soccer than girls are.
6. Many companies are suffering from the lack of workers.
7 The bomb went off on the crowded street.
第2个回答  2011-10-02
1 What was the girl doing when a car hit her?
2 The teacher spent a whole weekend grading the children's examination papers.
3 Miss LIn came to library to collect information for her treatise.
4 He's always ready to help his classmates review lessons.
5 Boys tend to be fond of football more than girls.
6 Many companies suffer from the lack of efficient workers.
7 The bomb went off in the street thronged with people.
第3个回答  2011-10-02
1.被车撞到时那个女孩正在做什么? (when)
What's the girl doing when she was knocked down by the car?
2.那个老师花了整个周末评孩子们的试卷。 (grade)
That teacher spent the whole weekends grading the children's test paper.
3.林小姐来到图书馆为她的论文搜集信息。 (collect)
Miss Lin came to the library to collect information for her paper.
4.他总是乐于帮助同学们复习功课。 (be ready to)
He is ready to help his classmates review lessons.
5.男孩子比女孩子更喜欢踢足球。 (fond)
Boys are more fond of playing football than girls.
6.许多公司都苦于缺乏熟练工人。 (suffer)
Many companies suffer lack of expereinced workers.
7.炸弹在挤满人群的大街上爆炸了。 (go off)
The bomb went off in the street crowded by the crowd.
第4个回答  2011-10-06
解释:A、brought in 引进/带入;B、took in 欺骗/吸收/理解;C、brought up 抚养;D、took up 占用/占据/从事

解释:by no means放在句首,则句子采用部分倒装,排除AC;再从句意可知应该是表示“我不会”,所以用将来时,答案为D.

解释:固定短语:struggle to do sth 挣扎着要做某事;get on one's feet站起来
第5个回答  2011-10-03
1.what was the girl doing when she bumped into a car?
2.That teacher spent all the weekends to grade the students papers.
3.Miss Lin came to library to collect information for her paper.
4.He is ready to help classmates to review schoolwork.
5.Boys are fonder playing football than girls.
6.Many companies are suffering lack proficient workers.
7.The bomb went off at the crowded street.