

Do you believe in love at first sight? Maybe you don't. But I believed when I met Jane Zhang for the first time. By far six years has passed, and I am still crazy about her voice, which is pure without any earthly element. Now when I'm busy preparing for my college entrance examination, her toughness encourages me, and her voice inspires me. No matter how tired I am, there is always something backing me up. I love you, in a silent manner, and maybe for my whole life.
第1个回答  2011-10-03
Do you believe in love at first sight? Maybe you don't. But I did when I first saw Jane Chang/Zhang. Six years have passed, I'm still in love with her pristine voice, which is not adulterated by the secular world. Now I'm in my busy senior three year. Her perseverance inspires me to hold on, and her voice keep encourging me. Even though I get so exhausted in these days, the power from Jane is still here supporting me. Jane, love you silently, love you forever!
第2个回答  2011-10-03
You believe in love at first sight it? Perhaps you say the letter. But when I first saw Jane Zhang when I believed. Today, more than six set, I still like her voice, clean, did not doped third year in a busy day today she inspired me strong, her voice inspired me. Tired of tired days there is always a force to support me, love you silent, perhaps forever! Secular flavor. 或者把前一句改成这个Do you believe in love at first sight? Maybe you don't believe.