
1.医学 癌症可以被治愈
2.能源 新能源被开发利用,停止使用石油等燃料
3.旅行 更方便快捷的交通工具出现,人类可去太空旅行和度假
4.日常生活 机器人进入百姓家庭,可提供各种服务

Life in the future

Nobody can imagine what will happen in the future , but one thing we can make sure is that life in the future will be better than today. Almost everything will be changed with the developing of science and technology.
In the medical field , doctors will use the advanced operation or pharmaceuticals to cure any kind of cancers. At the same time , it is not necessary for patients to spend much money. As to the energy source , with the exploiting and using of the new natural resources,human beings won’t worry about the consumption of oil or other fuels. What’s more, people can go to outer space for travelling or vacation by taking more convenient and efficient vehicles. Of course , more and more robots will be produced for servicing human beings. They will be sent to each family to do kinds of housework or help people with many other things.
I believe our life in the future will be more and more beautiful and wonderful, which I will always keep in mind.
第1个回答  2011-10-03
cancer can be cured
new resources are developed and used,so sb stop using the fuel like oil.
there are more convenient transportations turn out and the human race is able to take trips and be on vacations in the space.
robots are available for the common familise to finnish many kinds of services.