
老师你好,我叫XX,今年15岁,来自中国湖南永州,2010年在老妈的决定下来到永州学院,学习护理,我喜爱足球,也爱玩足球游戏,就是看世界杯的时候突然爱上了足球。 从此就迷恋上了,我爱足球的一切
我喜欢玩足球游戏,上网看新闻也是最先看足球新闻,可是我却没有什么非常喜欢的足球俱乐部。 我是一个很宅的女生,酷爱日本动漫。我喜欢上网,听歌,逛贴吧,看看有意思的新闻。 但是我在学习上就不太好,为此我还非常纠结,到底该怎么听进去课,目前任在琢磨中。

老师你好,我叫XX,今年15岁,来自中国湖南永州,2010年在老妈的决定下来到永州学院,学习护理,我喜爱足球,也爱玩足球游戏,就是看世界杯的时候突然爱上了足球。 从此就迷恋上了,我爱足球的一切 Good morning/afternoon,sir/ma'am. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is xxx and 15 years old this year. I'm from the city of Yongzhou, Hunan, China. In 2010 I came to Yongzhou College upon my mom's request, majoring Nursing Care. I'm attached to soccer, and have a crush on soccer video games , which stemmed from World Cup. 我喜欢玩足球游戏,上网看新闻也是最先看足球新闻,可是我却没有什么非常喜欢的足球俱乐部。 我是一个很宅的女生,酷爱日本动漫。我喜欢上网,听歌,逛贴吧,看看有意思的新闻。 但是我在学习上就不太好,为此我还非常纠结,到底该怎么听进去课,目前任在琢磨中。I love playing soccer video games so much that I search soccer news whenever I surf on the internet. However, no soccer clubs caught my attention instead. I love staying at home on my own and watching Japanese cartoons. Meanwhile, I love surfing on the internet, such as listening to music, hanging around in the BBS, reading somthing interesting and so on. My study, which I cannot throw myself in, makes me have a headache. Well, I'm still working on it. 我有时候也会有点小迷信,今年我是倒霉透了在那都被偷,在公交车上给人家让座,完了有座位自个想做不想一脚踩了人家的呕吐物。我对我的专业不说非常热爱但是也不讨厌总觉得学了一技之长以后也能在社会上立足。 Occasionally I'm a little odd. I was so unlucky that I was once robbed a couple of times. Once, a while after I tranfered my seat to another guy, I found an empty seat and moved to it , unfortunately, I stepped on the vomit. Anyway I'm Ok with my major. As we know, no pains , no gains.

这就是我,谢谢!This is me, thanks for your time!
第1个回答  2011-12-28
Good day ~ instructor, my name is XX from China Hunan YonZhou .I am fifteen years old. On year two thousand ten (2010) i applied into YonZhou college nursing profession as my major.
My personal favorite sport is Soccer which some people call it football as well. I love anything related to Soccer. If you may ask what hooks me into this sport, i think i got connected by the last world cup championship. Since then Soccer mean many things to me.
Although i maybe deeply into this sport ;however, I have yet pick a favorite team to show my support with. I guess my age do explain it a lot.(口语时尽量每句流畅,标点符号才停)
About my friends they often had an impression that i am a daddy's girl. Not really an outgoing type, Indulge in comics, net surf, listening to pop music,leaving my trace in different forums, hanging online to read those interesting news report. et cetera. Although it didn't help much on my studying . After a few months of struggling, I found where my studying goes wrong.And now i am doing whatever it takes to improve my concertration skills.
It is a funny year of my life, not like i am superstitious but i doubt whether a little event such as being pickpocketed a few times, or to offer my seat on bus ending up sitting on someone else vomit.(yeah,kinda bad luck 口语时可以笑着说)I guess it could be a very pratical ways to pratice my nursing behavior even i am not a big fan of vomiting. After all nursing aid is a well respected profession of all.

Thank you very much for your times.




作文便拿上面 mujinnan 的那一份。

第2个回答  2011-12-28
The teacher hello, my name is XX, 15 years old this year, from China hunan yong, 2010 in the mother decided to yong colleges, study nursing, I like football, also love to play football game, is watching the World Cup when suddenly fell in love with football. From now on will crush on, I love football everything
I like to play football game, read online news is also the first watch football news, but I was not very like football club. I am a very curtilage of girl, fond of Japanese anime. I like to surf the Internet, listening to music, go stick, look at the interesting news. But I'm learning on the not so good, therefore I also very entanglements, exactly what to listen to her class, at present as wondering.
I sometimes also can be a bit small superstition, this year I'm really having a bad day in that were stolen, and his seat on the bus to the somebody else, finished a seat from want to do a foot on the people don't want to vomit a thing. I say to my major is very love but also don't hate always think learning a skill also can be in the society after foothold.
This is me, thank you!!!!
第3个回答  2011-12-28
Teacher Hello, my name is XX, this year 15 years old, come from Hunan in China to Yongzhou in 2010, I decided to Yongzhou college, studying nursing, I like football, playing the football game, is watching the world cup when suddenly love football. Since then he has a crush on, I loved football with allI like playing football games, read the news online is also the first to see the football news, but I was not very likes football club. I am a very otaku girl, fond of Japan catoon and caricature. I like surfing the Internet, listening to music, have a look around the post bar, interesting news. But I am learning is not very good, I also very entangled, in the end how to listen in class, as in figure in the.I sometimes have a little superstition, this year I was unlucky in that all the stolen on the bus seat, to the people, after the seat since a want to do not want to kick people vomit. I have my professional don't say love but don't hate always think learning proficiency in a particular line I can survive in the society.This is me, thank you