

应税工资= 毛薪 - 社保个人交部分 - 1600

个人所得税 = 应税工资 * 税率 - 速算扣除数


工资通常于每月28日,如该日逢休息日或公众假日,则提前一天或在紧接着节假日后的那一天发放。 如有例外,以人力资源部正式通知为准。

英文:1. Personal income tax
Calculation :

= Gross taxable wages paid-personal reference to the social security part-1600

Personal income tax * = taxable wage rate-Susuankouchushu

2. Pay period : monthly from 1 to 31 (on the 30th)

3. Payroll Day
Wages usually on the 28th of each month, such as the date on rest days and public holidays, one day before the holidays or for the following day after the release. If an exception to the human resources department is the formal notification
阿拉伯1 - ضريبة الدخل الشخصي
الحساب :

= اجمالي ضريبة الاجور المدفوعه الشخصي الاشارة الى الضمان الاجتماعي جزءا 1600

ضريبة الدخل الشخصي * = ضريبة الاجور معدل سوسوانكوشوشو

2 - دفع الفترة : شهريه من 1 الى 31 (الثلاثين)

3 - المرتبات اليوم
الاجور عادة في الثامن والعشرين من كل شهر ، مثل التاريخ وأيام الراحة والعطل الرسمية قبل يوم واحد من ايام العطل او في اليوم التالي بعد الافراج. اذا استثناء لادارة الموارد البشريه هي اخطار رسمي
德国1. Persönliche Einkommenssteuer

= zahlend-persönlichen Hinweis der steuerpflichtigen Löhne auf der Sozialversicherung part-1600 verdienen

Persönliche Einkommenssteuer * = steuerpflichtige Lohn Rate-Susuankouchushu

2. Bezahlung Periode: Monatszeitschrift von 1 bis 31 (auf dem 30.)

3. Gehaltslistetag
Löhne normalerweise auf dem 28. jedes Monats, wie des Datums an den Resttagen und an den gesetzlichen Feiertagen, ein Tag vor den Feiertagen oder für den folgenden Tag nach der Freigabe. Wenn eine Ausnahme der Abteilung der menschlichen Betriebsmittel die formelle Mitteilung ist
俄国1. Личный подоходный налог
Расчет :

= Валовой налогооблагаемой заработной платы - личные ссылкой на социальное обеспечение участия - 1600

Личный подоходный налог * = налогооблагаемой заработной платы - Susuankouchushu

2. Срок оплаты : ежемесячно с 1 по 31 (на 30-й)

3. Заработная плата день
Зарплата обычно по 28-ое каждого месяца, как день, дни отдыха и праздничные дни, за день до праздников или на следующий день после выпуска. Если исключение из отдела кадров является официальным уведомлением
日本1。 个人収入税


个人収入税* =有税の赁金率Susuankouchushu

2。 给与期间: 1から31まで月刊雑志(第30で)

3。 支払名簿日
休日および公休日、休日の前のまたは解放の后の翌日の1日の日付のような毎月の第28の通常赁金。 人事部への例外が正式な通知なら
西班牙1. Impuesto de los ingresos personales

= ganar en total la referencia pagado-personal de los salarios imponibles a la Seguridad Social part-1600

Impuesto de los ingresos personales * = tarifa-Susuankouchushu imponible del salario

2. Período de la paga: publicación mensual a partir de la 1 a 31 (en el trigésimo)

3. Día de la nómina de pago
Salarios generalmente en los 28vos cuartos de cada mes, tal como la fecha en los días de descanso y los días festivos, un día antes de los días de fiesta o para el día siguiente después del lanzamiento. Si una excepción al departamento de los recursos humanos es la notificación formal
意大利1. Tassa di reddito personale

= Gross il riferimento paid-personale degli stipendi tassabili alla previdenza sociale part-1600

Tassa di reddito personale * = tasso-Susuankouchushu tassabile dello stipendio

2. Periodo di paga: mensile da 1 a 31 (sul trentesimo)

3. Giorno del libro paga
Stipendi solitamente sul ventottesimi di ogni mese, quale la data i giorni di riposo e le feste nazionali, un giorno prima delle feste o per il seguente giorno dopo il rilascio. Se un'eccezione al reparto delle risorse umane è la notifica convenzionale
法国1. Impôt de revenu personnel
Calcul :

= agréger la référence payé-personnelle de salaires imposables à la sécurité sociale part-1600

Impôt de revenu personnel * = taux-Susuankouchushu imposable de salaire

2. Période de salaire : revue mensuelle de 1 à 31 (sur le 30ème)

3. Jour de livre de paie
Salaires habituellement sur le 28 de chaque mois, tel que la date les jours de repos et les jours fériés, un jour avant les vacances ou pour le jour suivant après le dégagement. Si une exception au département de ressources humaines est l'acte de notification
第1个回答  2007-09-12
1. Personal income tax


应税工资= 毛薪 - 社保个人交部分 - 1600
Wages = taxable wages - pay some personal social insurance - 1600

个人所得税 = 应税工资 * 税率 - 速算扣除数
Personal income tax rate * = taxable wages - Susuankouchushu

2. Calculating pay period: 1 to 31 a month (on the 30th)

工资通常于每月28日,如该日逢休息日或公众假日,则提前一天或在紧接着节假日后的那一天发放。 如有例外,以人力资源部正式通知为准。
3. Payroll Date
Wages usually on the 28th of each month, the case law or rest day, the day before or the day after the holiday release. If an exception to the human resource department official notification.
第2个回答  2007-09-01
1.personal income tax

Taxable salary= gross salary -social security paid by individues

personal income tax= taxable salary * tax rate -tax Deduction

2.salary period: the first till last day of a month

3.date of payment

salaries usually are paid at 28th each month,if the day happens to be weekends or public holidays,then it will be paid the day before it or the following day. Any exceptions are accorded to the notice of Human Resource apartment.

ps: i am a university student major in international accounting .
第3个回答  2007-08-30
1.Personal income tax
Compute formula:

In response to the tax wages= hair salary- The agency protect personal hand over part- 1600

Personal income tax= in response to the tax wages* tax rate- Soon button up divisor on the whole

2.Account a salary period:Every 1-31th(the 30th)

3.The wages issues a day
Wages usually after every 28th, meeting off day or public day off such as that day, then a day in advance or at close behind stanza day off of that day of issue. If there is exception, with human resource department formally notifies for quasi-.
1.Personal income tax
Compute formula:

In response to the tax wages= hair salary- The agency protect personal hand over part- 1600

Personal income tax= in response to the tax wages* tax rate- Soon button up divisor on the whole

2.Account a salary period:Every 1-31th(the 30th)

3.The wages issues a day
Wages usually after every 28th, meeting off day or public day off such as that day, then a day in advance or at close behind stanza day off of that day of issue. If there is exception, with human resource department formally notifies for quasi-.
第4个回答  2007-08-30
1. Personal Income Tax
Calculation Formulae:

Taxable Income = Raw income - Social Insurance (the portion submitted by individual) -1600

Personal Income Tax = Taxable Income* Tax Rate - Quick calculation deduction

2. Income payment Circle : 1st day of every month to the 31st/30th

3. Income payment day:
The income is normally paid on the 28th each month. If the day happens to be a public holiday, the payment can be made the day precedes the holiday or the day after it. Any exceptions are accorded to the announcement made by the Human Resource Department.